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Student and Parent Handbook


Students at California School for the Deaf are engaged in a positive environment where ASL and English are valued, cultures are embraced, learning is relevant, and self-worth is uplifted. In collaboration with families and school communities, Southern California students prepare for college and careers through academic rigor, innovative technology, and extra-curricular opportunities.



an equitable learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and staff.


professionally as educators who implement standards-based best practices by planning collaboratively with resources and training.


families as a vital part of the students' learning, where staff and families work together, and put the good of the student first.


children becoming balanced bilingual individuals by recognizing the relationships between language development, cognitive development and social/emotional development.


and utilize data to ensure ongoing, consistent improvement both for the individual student and the school as a whole.



Students will effectively communicate opinions, ideas, and information through American Sign Language and English.


Students will contribute in shared learning and knowledge as accountable members.


Students will engage in multiple literacies to comprehend and reflect on information for learning and meaningful participation.

Critical Thinking

Students will apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate resources to solve complex problems.


Students will demonstrate courage, respect, and excellence as they serve within their communities.

Work Ethic

Students will take responsibility for their own learning with self-discipline, honor, and integrity.


California School for the Deaf, Riverside (CSDR) was established in 1953 through the efforts of its founding father, Perry E. Seely, a former President of the California Association of the Deaf. Serving deaf children from eleven different counties throughout Southern California, CSDR is one of two schools for the deaf under the California Department of Education (CDE) State Special School and Services Division. Referrals to CSDR can be requested by parents/guardians or school staff during Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings when discussing placement options.


California School for the Deaf, Riverside is a dual-accredited institution by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Conference of Educators and Administrators of Schools/programs for the Deaf (CEASD). CSDR operates as a Professional Learning Community with state standards expectations and assessments, state-adopted curriculums, diploma-bound academic courses, work experience and career preparation programs, after-school extracurricular programs, and sports competitions. Unlike other schools, CSDR is unique in its commitment to helping deaf children learn to communicate and express themselves clearly with teachers and peers.

Teachers at CSDR facilitate learning through visually accessible methods and make any necessary modifications to ensure students can grasp challenging curriculums. Instruction is delivered by trained, bilingual instructional and support staff in smaller, individualized group settings that fit the students’ diverse language and educational needs

The school serves 400 students ranging in age from 3 to 22 and includes an on-site local district-based Parent Infant Program for children 18 months to 3 years old. Structured similarly to a small school district, CSDR encompasses an Early Childhood Education program, Elementary School, Middle School, High School, Alternative Curriculum Education Program, and Career & Technology Education Program. Students who live over one hour's drive from the school can reside in campus cottages during the school week, arriving on Sunday evenings and leaving for home on Friday afternoons. Additionally, the school provides transition services and work experience to high school students, along with post-graduation assistance in finding employment in their home areas.

Located in Riverside, CSDR and its students are an integral part of the local community, participating in many annual city events and activities. The school has been a member of the Greater Riverside Chamber of Commerce for over 40 years. The city celebrates Deaf Awareness Week annually with day and evening activities that highlight the significant impact the school and the deaf community have on the city.

CSDR embraces the philosophy that positive academic, intellectual, social-emotional, and physical development is the goal for every deaf child, and achieving this goal is a shared responsibility among the student, family, and school. The school implements a bilingual approach to learning and development, through American Sign Language (ASL) and English.

Moreover, CSDR serves as an outreach state resource center, "Thrive," providing support and training to families of other deaf and hard of hearing children, early interventionists, local education agencies, and educators at other schools serving deaf children. Thrive also includes an assessment center for unique cases referred to CSDR.

American Sign Language - English Bilingualism and Biliteracy


In general, students need to learn language from parents, teachers, their peers and community. The more languages they learn, the better they will be able to communicate and expand their learning. This truth also applies to deaf children when using a visual and accessible language, ASL, to prevent language deprivation. Research advocates for early exposure to ASL which enables deaf children to acquire the conversational form of a language so that when they enter school, they can continue to learn rather than begin to learn. Full understanding and full use of a first language fosters the language component of the brain for the child to then master academic learning (and a second language).

School Application

To support and maximize the well-defined benefits of this bilingual philosophy, instruction and communication at CSD occur through American Sign Language and English, in the written form in whole group settings and in the spoken form as applicable to individual students and in small groups. In and out of the classroom, students have access to communication with their friends, teachers, and support staff. ASL helps meet students’ language, literacy, and content knowledge needs, and provides cognitive advantages in functional and critical thinking skills across content areas. Students’ multi-lingual abilities intertwine for social and academic learning. ASL and English are used fully, either alternatively or separately in the classrooms with a teaching purpose to model each language in its correct form and to enrich students’ language abilities. Research demonstrates that students who understand how their two languages are similar and different do better in school in any language. At CSD, written English is a requirement, and additional modalities of English vary for each child. As a supplement to instruction, students can receive speech services that focus on skills and strategies to facilitate positive interactions with non-signing individuals.

Students learn ASL and English at CSD through increasingly demanding bilingual abilities. The first and crucial step to master is bilingualism, which is the use of basic interpersonal communication skills in ASL and English, a necessary foundation. Newly enrolled students who have not learned sign language will benefit from an ASL immersion class at CSD, to assist them in the bilingual learning environment. The second and ultimate step for all students is biliteracy, which is applying literacy skills in two languages with cognitive and academic language proficiency. To foster students’ increasing ability to read and write in English, ASL literacy includes ASL viewing of literature and informative materials, video signing skills, translanguaging, and language analysis, all of which reinforce the bridging between the two language modes.

CSD has trained specialists who support students’ developmental language needs and classes and opportunities for families to develop signing skills. School data show that language and academic performance greatly improve when students attend CSD, or similar programs with inclusion of sign language, and have this language access at home and/or in their community from an early age.

School Educational Logo


We have a visual expression of our purpose - one that marries our past to our present and sets the course for where we're headed in the future. This bilingual logo, by Deaf professional designer Suzanne Stecker, symbolizes our commitment to you that we'll remain true to our core values as we set our sights on the future.

  • The logo shape is an abstract of the ASL handshape “R” in print form for “Riverside.”

  • The two languages of ASL and English are represented with balance and equality by the two tree trunks. The trees intersect because both languages are used back and forth with clear purpose throughout the day, with ASL as a bridge to learning English.

  • The trees grow, as students achieve through this bilingual program, and their cognition, language, literacy, academic performance, and self-esteem thrive.

  • Five palm branches at the top of the tree trunks represent the shape of hands signing “CHAMP.” Students shall be champions in academics, sports, organizations, career, and life.

Rights and Responsibility

The California School for the Deaf believes that educating a student is a collaborative effort between the school, the student, and the families. To support this collaboration, we realize that each party has rights and responsibilities. The intent of the following rights and responsibilities is to provide a generalized list but is not comprehensive or all-inclusive.

As a student, you have a right to:

  • Engage in a safe, positive, and motivational learning environment-one that is unbiased, nonjudgmental, and free from prejudice, discrimination, harassment, hazing, intimidation, bullying, verbal or physical threats, and abuse.
  • Receive high-quality instruction comprehensible and appropriate to your academic development level including communication, student support, and health services.
  • Be expected to achieve at high levels.
  • Voice, share, and discuss your feelings, ideas, issues, opinions, and perspectives with students, administrators, faculty, and staff members in a positive, mature manner.
  • Receive a copy of the handbook and seek information about policies and procedures, including the right to appeal disciplinary decisions to the Principal.
  • Expect that activities, athletics, programs, clubs, and organizations provide opportunities to meet a variety of student interests.
  • Be treated with respect, as a unique individual, including differing needs and learning styles among students and staff members.
  • Have access to your educational records and expect that the privacy is compliant.

As a student, you have a responsibility to:

  • Make positive contributions to an environment that allows yourself and other students to be free from discrimination, harassment, hazing, and bullying.
  • Attend school daily according to academic calendar, arrive on time, bring appropriate materials, and be prepared to participate in class, complete assignments, and make up work resulting from an absence.
  • Strive for academic growth and for your personal best.
  • Respect the rights, feelings, and property of other students, parents, school staff members, and visitors.
  • Conduct yourself in an appropriate and respectful manner while on school grounds, school buses, at any school-related activity, or in the classroom.
  • Do not interfere with the rights of other students to participate in a safe and positive environment that is conducive to learning.
  • Abide by the policies/regulations and understand the information in the handbook.
  • Make positive contributions to an environment that allows yourself and other students to have equal access to opportunities and follow guidelines set up for participation in school or extracurricular activities.
  • Display behavior that does not compromise the safety of other students and/or staff members and respect other students, staff, and adults.

Communication with Parents

School personnel communicate with parents about school programs, student progress and services in the IEP, and any other questions or concerns. Communication and cooperation between the home and the school is considered by CSD to be critical to the student’s academic achievement.

Religious Education Participation (EC49091.12, 51240, 51511, 51513)

Children may attend off-campus religious education classes and/or religious services if parents/guardians give permission. The school is not responsible for a student’s care during days that (s) he is absent to attend religious activities. The place of worship is responsible for providing transportation and personnel to supervise the children during their absence from school and while they are en route to and from the school and place of worship facility. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to inform the place of worship if they want their child to participate in services and activities and to inform the place of worship of their address and phone number so that they can be contacted about the religious activities. If parents/guardians desire to cancel permission for their child’s attendance at the religious functions of the place of worship, it shall be their responsibility to inform both the place of worship and the school of the change. The place of worship also informs the school.

Request for Student Parties

Parents may request a party for their child for a special occasion, i.e. birthday, at least one week in advance with the Classroom Teacher. With permission from the Department Principal, a party may be arranged during school time only, if the teacher and principal agree. All food, party favors, etc., must be provided by the parent. Food must have a list of ingredients included. Parents must comply with the nut free food policy. Parents should notify the principal and teacher of the date they wish to have the party so it does not conflict with other scheduled activities and so that the school is aware that parents will be visiting. Parties will be held in the student’s class only. Although we recognize the importance of special occasions disruption of the school day must be kept to a minimum.


Parents and relatives are welcome to volunteer in school. Families who wish to volunteer in our school must contact the Volunteer coordinator and must follow campus procedures before volunteering on campus. Information can be found on our website. If a parent wishes to volunteer more than ten hours per school year, they must be fingerprinted by the Human Resource office. Parents are most welcome to go on field trips with their child. They must ride in their personal vehicle. Parents are not allowed to ride in state vehicles unless they are on the approved volunteer list.

Family Staff Community Association (FSCA)

The goal of FSCA is to support the mission of the school. All parents are welcome to join and be part of the community to strengthen the partnership between families and the school.

Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

The Community Advisory Committee includes 51% or more parent representatives who meet 4 times a year to provide feedback to the Superintendent on various school-related topics. The staff members serving on the CAC include teacher representatives from each department, with a Family Education coordinator and an Outreach staff. Community representatives may include CSD alumni, the Center on Deafness-Inland Empire (CODIE), the Riverside/Southern California chapter of the California Association of the Deaf, Deaf Women United of Southern California, and/or Deaf-owned businesses. Parent and community involvement are encouraged for addressing important issues and advice with the Superintendent. CAC examines how CSD programs and services affect all students and strives for a positive educational environment. Interpreters are provided at all major events, and at the meetings upon request.

ASL Storytelling Night

CSD hosts a monthly ASL storytelling night for families. Special guests will be storytellers for the children at the Elementary Library the first Wednesday of every month.

Thrive - Outreach Resource

The Thrive Outreach Resource Center was established in 2013 under the former name “California Deaf Education Resource Center”. Serving as a resource, under the coordination of Outreach, is a schoolwide commitment shared by all school staff.

ASL for Families

These classes are available at no cost to all family members and caretakers of deaf/hard of hearing students. This expansion will allow families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, regardless of school placement, to participate, connect, and learn with each other. ASL classes may be offered every fall and spring semester once a week. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm. Pachappa 1 building on the campus of CSD.

Family Education

The Family Education Coordinator coordinates and provides services. Read more about contact information and opportunities for involvement.

Thrive! @ CSD Riverside

PAWSitive Reflections & Resources

The schoolwide newsletter on highlights, accomplishments, and resources is prepared by Thrive! Outreach Resource Center and printed by students in CTE Graphic Design Services. Submit articles and photos to Find the past issues on the CSD Riverside Website home page.

Social Media Presence @CSDRiverside

Twitter Icon

X (formerly Twitter)

View photos and videos on the CSDR website on the home page and on each department page. You may retweet to share with your family and friends. External Link Icon

Facebook Icon


This site includes all upcoming events, important announcements, and celebrations. External Link Icon

Instagram Icon


When individuals post pictures at or about CSDR, please share by typing in @csdriverside and the hashtag #CSDR to help raise awareness in the community about CSD Riverside. External Link Icon

YouTube Icon


The school uploads all its videos of ASL videos, student work, performances, and school information and announcements on the CSDR YouTube channel. External Link Icon

Paper Plane Icon

Sign Up to Receive News

Outside Media Access

CSD sometimes encounters situations where outside media such as local/national television and newspapers are interested in having photographers or reporters photograph or interview students. Because it is in the best interest of students at CSD, the Deaf community and the community-at-large to be informed about the wonderful programs at our school, our staff that assist in Outreach are encouraged to welcome media representatives to school as long as their presence does not cause a disruption. In addition, student work, photos, and videos may be published on the Internet for a world-wide audience via the school website or other school or staff affiliated social media sites (including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, PAWSitive Reflections, etc.) with the consent of the student and (if the student under 18) parent/guardian.

Parent Release Form

CSDR requests that parents/guardians who do not permit news photographers or reporters to photograph or interview their children complete the Outside Media Access Form sent home. If CSDR is notified in writing that a particular student should not be photographed or interviewed, staff will make every effort to honor the request. However, we cannot guarantee that a student will not appear in the background of a photo. Parents/guardians should also inform their children to avoid talking to reporters or being photographed if they do not wish to be included. By actively engaging with these platforms and protocols, we aim to increase visibility and awareness of CSD Riverside's exceptional programs and achievements, while ensuring the privacy and preferences of our students and their families are respected.

Academic Departments

ECE students around a fish tank

Early Childhood Education External Link Icon

A student and a principal interacting

Elementary External Link Icon

Four students doing an experiment

Alternate Curriculum Education External Link Icon

Two middle school students looking at each other.

Middle School External Link Icon

Social Hall of Students/Staff

High School External Link Icon

Photography Gallery Display in Hall

Career Technical Education External Link Icon

A female volleyball player hitting a volleyball

Athletics External Link Icon

Students in an group activity

Student Organizations External Link Icon

School Activities


Perfect Attendance

1st Quarter- breakfast with principal, 1st Quarter & 2nd Quarter - ice cream party, 1st & 2nd & 3rd Quarter - out to lunch with principal, Whole Year - Award Certificate and cash prize

Monthly Recognition

Accelerated Reading Goals, Character Counts! monthly assemblies & activities, Character Counts! certificates throughout the year recognizing behaviors from the 6 Pillars, Monthly Class Attendance Award, 100 mile club recognitions, PE Class of month

Cubs Honors 1st Semester

Student of the Semester, PE student of Quarter, Perfect Attendance, School Spirit, ASL recognition

End of Year Cubs Honor

Student of the Semester, Esther McGarry Reading Award, Accelerated Reading Yearly goals met, Writing Award, Math Award, PE Student of the Year, ASL Student recognition, Character counts! Students of the Year, Perfect Attendance Award, Principal’s Award

Perfect Attendance

1st Quarter- breakfast with principal, 1st Quarter & 2nd Quarter - ice cream party, 1st & 2nd & 3rd Quarter - out to lunch with principal, Whole Year - Award Certificate and cash prize

Monthly Recognition

Accelerated Reading Goals, Character Counts! monthly assemblies & activities, Character Counts! certificates throughout the year recognizing behaviors from the 6 Pillars, Monthly Class Attendance Award, 100 mile club recognitions, PE Class of month

Cubs Honors 1st Semester

Student of the Semester, PE student of Quarter, Perfect Attendance, School Spirit, ASL recognition

End of Year Cubs Honor

Student of the Semester, Esther McGarry Reading Award, Accelerated Reading Yearly goals met, Writing Award, Math Award, PE Student of the Year, ASL Student recognition, Character counts! Students of the Year, Perfect Attendance Award, Principal’s Award

In addition, the following events occur within Elementary:

Student Council- 5th Grade, 100-mile club, Author’s Chair, Turkey Trot, Festival of Holidays, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Science Fair, Read Across America, 100th Day of School, History Day, 4th Grade Sacramento Trip, Spelling Bee, STEAM Maker Space, California Young Readers Medal Competition Involvement, Deaf Awareness, ASL Showcase, ST Math, Academic Field Trips, Spirit Weeks, Fundraising, STEAM Day, Multicultural Children’s Book Day, Taste of Home celebration, De’VIA Art Festival, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, Math Olympics, Movie Day

Middle School

Honors/Recognition with students/parents

End of Quarter 1 Honor Roll, Principal’s Honor Roll luncheon (following both Quarter 1 and 2), End of Quarter 2 Honor Roll and Improvement Awards, MAP testing celebration and achievements, EOY Honor Roll fieldtrip with Principal, EOY Awards – recognition in all academic courses, Character Counts!, Perfect Attendance, Reading Counts, Overall MS Program

In addition, the following events occur within Middle School:

Student Council Leadership Retreat, Rubidoux Bowl, Geography/Spelling Bee, Read Across America, Scrabble Tournament, 8th grade Play, MS STEM Fair Battle of the Books sponsored by Gallaudet University, Washington DC, Math Counts sponsored by National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester NY, Middle School Class Bowl (MS DAB), 6th grade overnight trip to Catalina Island with the Ocean Institute

High School

Honors/Recognition with students/parents

Principal’s Honor Roll each quarter, Honor Roll Breakfast cooked by Principals and EAs each quarter, Academic Rallies (end of 1st semester and EOY), Top Cub and Most Valuable Pupil Awards for HS/CTE, Valedictorian/ Salutatorian recognition for Seniors, Character Counts! Awards, PAWsome certificates, Student Organization awards, MAP testing achievement recognition certificates, Athletics: Scholar Athlete awards, Individual athlete awards at Sports Banquet, Team Awards at Sports Banquet, League awards at Sports Banquet

In addition, the following events occur within High School:

Jr NAD Community Night, Academic Bowl sponsored by Gallaudet University, International Studies Trips, Literacy Festival, Math Field Day, Science Field Day, Leadership Retreat, Empowerment & Enrichment (E2) Retreat, Homecoming Dance, Sadie Hawkins Dance, Mid-Winter Ball Prom, HS Drama Production, Senior Day & Senior Walk, Pep Rallies

Criteria for Student Organization Candidacy and Standards for Maintaining Office:

  • Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA or above during the candidacy and while in office.
  • Student demonstrates responsibility during the current school term such as arriving to class on time, completing assignments regularly and being punctual for cottage or organizational meetings.
  • Student demonstrates effectiveness in relating to others by the ability to compromise in adversarial situations, debating his/her opinion in a reasonable manner and is able to maintain a positive relationship with the organization membership.
  • Student is required to make a written request or complete a Student Officer Application to the High School Management Team (HSMT) outlining his/her experience, qualifications and reasons for pursuing the office.
  • Student is required to submit a written letter of reference from one teacher OR one student life staff member who is currently working with the student to the High School Management Team.
  • Student who holds a major office in one organization (i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) cannot hold the same office in any organization concurrently.
  • Student cannot have any suspension reports in the current or previous semester of attendance at CSD.
  • Student must resign from office immediately upon suspension of any kind during the school year.


Spike-Out Volleyball Tournament, Clerc Basketball Tournament, Hoy Baseball/Softball Tournament, Willigan Wrestling Tournament, Berg Seeger Track & Field Tournament

Physical Education

The CSDR Physical Education K-12 curriculum is based on the California Physical Education Model Content Standards for California Public Schools. Instructional activities are fun and age appropriate.

Physical Education Mission Statement

The mission of the CSDR K-12 Physical Education is to develop healthy bodies and minds, so that students may be at their best when learning, and to promote positive attitudes toward physical activity, fitness and sports skills. In a safe, non-threatening, positive, and encouraging environment, the CSDR PE staff will empower all students to reach their highest level of academic, physical and social skills necessary to achieve or maintain a healthy lifestyle presently, and in the future.

Physical Education Vision Statement

Through the implementation of the Physical Education Framework for California Public Schools, CSDR’s qualified and dynamic staff will promote growth and development of the physical, emotional, and social well-being of its students. The developmentally balanced and sequentially implemented physical education program will give students the movement skills and knowledge to be active and physically fit to the best of their ability throughout their lifetime.

Physical Education Program (EC 35183, 49066c)

PE Uniform Purchase (Middle School/High School):

Students are required to dress in/out of gym clothes daily. CSD freshmen, sophomores, and other students needing to earn 20 credits of PE will receive department-issued PE uniforms at the start of the school year. If a student loses or misplaces his/her uniform, he/she will be able to purchase a replacement uniform ($10 per shirt or short, $20 for both). This includes:

  • Gray t-shirt (must be tucked all around)
  • Red shorts (length should not pass the knee, no pockets)
  • Socks
  • Athletic shoes with laces tied
  • Sweatshirt/sweatpants may be worn during cold weather; They must be plain gray or red and worn over the P.E. uniform
  • No logos, hoods, zippers or pockets

Uniform Policy

  • Should a family elect not to purchase, student must wear a gray t-shirt and red shorts for PE.
  • Student's last name and first initial should be printed clearly with a permanent marker on the outside of all PE clothing.
  • Lost items cannot be claimed unless a name is clearly written on them.
  • Each Friday, students are expected to take their clothes home to wash them. Students should bring their clothes back on Mondays.
  • Students are expected to tuck in their shirts and keep their shorts/sweats at their waist/hips. Un-tucked shirts and/or sagging shorts are not acceptable. Students also need to wear athletic shoes that are tied correctly. Students are encouraged to keep a pair of athletic socks and shoes in their lockers during the week.
  • Loaner clothes are available and required if students forget their PE clothes. Each student is permitted one loaner without disciplinary consequences per term. The 2nd or more loaner will result in loss of points for the daily grade.


Each student has an assigned PE locker. Students cannot share lockers with other students. Students are required to store their PE uniform in their locker any time it is not being worn. The PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen PE uniforms.

Parent/Medical Note

If your son or daughter is sick or injured, a parent’s note can excuse participation for up to three days. Policy requires a doctor’s note to excuse the student after the third day. Please be sure to include the date, specific limitations, and a daytime phone number where you can be contacted on the note. PE instructors are instructed to follow the instructions from Student Health Center nursing staff only.

Excused students must still change into CSD PE clothes (High School) and follow their PE teacher’s instructions.

Excused students may be assigned written work during the time they are not participating in PE activities.

Swimming Pool

A certified Red Cross lifeguard will monitor the pool at all times. Swimmers must wear their own swimsuit and have a towel. Students are not permitted to wear PE uniforms for swimming. They must bring their own proper swimsuit and towel when their swim lesson is scheduled.

  • Diving area must be kept clear of other swimmers
  • No running, playing, or pushing on the deck
  • No standing or sitting on other people’s shoulders
  • No bobby pins, hair clips or other metal objects allowed in the pool
  • No diving in the shallow end of the pool
  • No splashing on the deck
  • No dunking
  • No pretend drowning
  • No hanging or climbing on diving board, ropes or fences
  • No food, drinks or glass containers permitted in any part of the pool area
  • Do not distract lifeguards or standbys
  • The lifeguard’s decision is final and must be obeyed by all

Disobeying minor rules will result in a warning (first time), sitting on the bench for 5-10 minutes (second time), or no more swimming for the day (third time.) Serious infractions of the rules could cause immediate removal from the pool.

Cell Phones and Other Mobile Devices

Cell phones and other mobile devices with recording capabilities, including voice recording, still cameras, and video cameras, are not permitted to be used in the locker rooms. Due to the possibility of picture taking in the locker room, any student seen with a camera phone, iPad, video equipment or camera will have the device immediately confiscated and turned into administration.

Jewelry and Gum

Due to safety reasons, the PE department reserves the right to require students to remove loop earrings, studs, and jewelry. Gum is not allowed in the PE area or gym at any time.

Physical Education Exemption

All students must complete two years of physical education to graduate from high school. Students may qualify for an exemption from 10th grade PE (PE II) if the student:

  • Has successfully passed one year of 9th grade PE (PE I) AND
  • Has scored in the Healthy Fitness Zone of the Fitness Gram (PFT) in four of the five standards pursuant to the Education Code Section 60800. They have until May 31, of that school year, to pass the four PFT tests. The five physical fitness tests offered are: the one-mile run or PACER (aerobic capacity), sit and reach or shoulder stretch test (flexibility), trunk lift (trunk extensor strength and flexibility), push-ups or flexed-arm hang (upper body strength and endurance), and curl ups (abdominal strength and endurance). All tests will be administered by an experienced department assigned PFT instructor.
  • The student and parent have met with the PE supervisor and reviewed the student's eligibility for a waiver. If a student is granted a waiver, they may still choose to participate in a PE Elective class OR participate in 2 out of 3 sports in Athletics the following year (one season of sport equals one semester of PE); participation in athletics that would qualify for an exemption can be in any season in 10th through12th grades.

Exemptions to this would require medical evaluation in situations such as a student was injured and was not allowed to complete participation for the season(s).

Curriculum, Data, Instruction and Advancement

The Curriculum, Data, Instruction, and Advancement (CDIA) department is committed to the successful education of all students. Our department provides and supports a rigorous, inclusive, and student-centered curriculum that aligns with the California Department of Education Frameworks and Standards.

Our CDIA Specialists and Supervisor are tasked with selecting curricula, monitoring and evaluating student performance data and academic assessments, mentoring teachers, leading new textbook adoptions, implementing educational technology in the classrooms, and keeping the Superintendent and Principals informed on these matters.

CDIA specialists also collaborate with instructional staff to adapt, modify, and tailor educational materials to meet the needs of all our Deaf students’ Individual Educational Programs (IEPs). As a result, a wide variety of learning experiences, instructional practices, and academic supports are employed to engage students as active, mindful learners who are prepared for college or their future careers.



  • Ensure that Common Core State Standards are implemented and modified to meet the diverse linguistic and learning needs of all students
  • Assist in the development of curriculum goals
  • Guide the selection of textbooks and other instructional materials per State of California recommendations
  • Manage the ordering of textbooks and supplemental materials
  • Conduct curriculum reviews


  • Facilitates school-wide testing
  • Manage and provide data for all State and local assessments
  • Manage Student Data Management System
  • Teach teachers how to access and analyze data
  • Participate in all state-mandated testing and administer the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) published by Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) to track student achievement


  • Provide resources and information, and professional development opportunities related to instructional strategies, techniques and methods, and specific content areas
  • Assist teachers in the classroom when requested
  • Specialist provide specialized instruction in reading, math, and American Sign Language
  • Identify and coordinate real-world experiences that will support instruction


  • Responsible for all school-wide trainings
  • Encourage teachers to apply for professional development opportunities

By focusing on these areas, the CDIA department aims to foster a dynamic educational environment that meets the needs of all students and prepares them for future success.

Academic Measurements

Classroom Testing

At CSDR, we employ various academic assessment tools to evaluate student achievement across all departments: Alternative Curriculum Education (ACE), Elementary, Middle School, and High School. Teachers administer both formative and summative assessments to gauge student progress and growth, guiding classroom instruction to ensure alignment with college and career readiness objectives.

School-Wide Standardized Testing

CSDR utilizes the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) External Link Icon Growth Tests to measure performance and academic achievement for students in grades 2-12. Additionally, formal tests are conducted by on-campus psychologists for triannual IEPs and other specific requests. For detailed information on additional testing, please contact the Assessment Department.

State-Required Testing Programs

All students, as documented in their IEPs, participate in the California Assessments of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP). Parents wishing to exempt their child from state testing may do so during the IEP meeting or must provide written notice before state testing begins in the spring. Detailed information about the various state-required tests can be found on the California Department of Education website External Link Icon.

Desired Results Developmental Profiles

Desired Results Developmental Profiles External Link Icon (DRDP 2015) - 18 months to age 5. The DRDP (2015) is a formative assessment tool developed by the California Department of Education for use with children from early infancy to kindergarten entry, including those with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). It covers eight domains and aligns with the CDE’s Early Learning and Development Foundations.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) External Link Icon - Grades 3-8 and 11 The SBAC consists of four summative tests, including computer-adaptive tests and performance tasks based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics. The results include student scores, achievement levels, and performance descriptors

California Alternative Assessment

California Alternative Assessment (CAA) External Link Icon - Grades 3-8 and 11 The CAA is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities, aiming to ensure higher academic outcomes. The ELA, mathematics, and science tests are administered one-on-one and align with the Core Content Connectors (CCCs) linked to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

California Science Test

California Science Test (CAST) External Link Icon - Grades 5, 8, and once in High School This federally required science assessment is administered to students in grades five and eight and once in high school. Aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, the CAST is typically administered in grade ten or eleven, based on the student’s completion of required science courses.

Physical Fitness Test

Physical Fitness Test (PFT) External Link Icon - Grades 5, 7, and 9 The PFT aims to encourage lifelong habits of regular physical activity. It has six parts that assess various fitness levels, providing protection against diseases associated with inactivity.

College Entrance Examinations - Grades 10-12

CSDR offers a variety of advanced coursework and examinations for college-bound high school students:

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams External Link Icon - Grades 10-12 AP courses are rigorous, college-level classes available at the high school level. Students can earn college credit by scoring 3 or higher on national exams administered by the College Board. Students are encouraged to take the corresponding AP exams, with exam fees being the student's responsibility.

Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT) External Link Icon - Grade 10 CSDR offers the PSAT 10 test to 10th-grade students. This test includes sections on Reading, Writing and Language, and Math. Results help determine eligibility for AP courses and guide instruction in areas needing improvement.

American College Testing (ACT) External Link Icon - Grades 11-12 In collaboration with the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, CSDR offers the ACT test on campus for 11th and 12th graders. This national college admissions examination includes tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and a written essay. High scores may qualify students for college scholarships.

Textbook & Instructional Materials Agreement

Textbooks and instructional materials belong to the school. It is important to take care of them. Other students need to use them in the future.

Instructional materials are school-issued electronic resources (i.e. laptop, video game equipment) calculators, dictionaries, and any other materials loaned to you.

  1. I will take good care of my textbooks and instructional materials.
  2. I will cover my textbooks with special CSDR covers or my own covers. I will not use sticky paper. If I lose or damage a CSDR cover, I will pay for it.
  3. I will not write in my textbooks.
  4. I will not loan my textbooks or instructional materials to another student.
  5. If I damage or lose textbooks or instructional materials, I will pay for them.
  6. If I pay for lost textbooks or instructional materials and find them later, I can get my money back.

The student receives the copies of the textbooks being used during their registration day or the following week after the school opens. Textbooks are issued according to the barcode number. Therefore, students must return the same books that were issued to them.

California School for the Deaf Riverside recognizes that the rising cost of instructional materials must be addressed to maintain our goal of academic excellence for our students. CSDR provides textbooks and other instructional materials at no cost to the students and their parents/guardians/caregivers. The parent, guardian, or caregiver to whom the instructional materials are issued shall be liable for any loss in excess of that which would result from normal use of the materials.

Student Life Program

The Student Life staff are responsible for the care and welfare of students whether the students are on campus or off campus after school until students go to classes in the morning and on the weekends if there are special events.

The Student Life Office hours are 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The Director of Student Life, Assistant Director of Student Life, Supervisor of Residence Programs (SRP), or office technician are available to assist parents/guardians and students during these hours. Supervising Counselors’ (SC) offices are stationed at different cottages, and their hours are varied to cover our 24-hour program. Most SCs are available from 8:30pm to 12:00am on Sunday and between 2:00pm to 12:00am Monday through Thursday. Please contact your child’s SC for their hours.

Parents/Guardians of day students are responsible for their children before and after school unless they arrange with their SCs to have them participate in after-school activities, including athletics.

Cottage Students' Right to a Safe School

Students who reside in the cottages have the right to live in an environment that is free of unsafe situations and to feel secure. A safe school means students are entitled to the following points:

  • All cottage facilities in good condition
  • Rules, expectations and Ed Code 48900 clearly defined
  • Students protected and well supervised
  • Regulations and laws enforced and respected
  • Students’ behavior kept under control and demonstrate harmonic behaviors
  • Programs and activities offered that are safe and fun

When students feel or encounter a situation where it may be unsafe, they are expected do the following actions:

  • Report to staff immediately
  • Move away from unsafe situations
  • Protect oneself from harm; Do not retaliate but use self-defense only if you are potentially being harmed
  • Say ‘no’ if you are asked to do things that are illegal or inappropriate. Some examples are:
  • Someone asks you to steal a mobile device from student’s backpack
  • Someone asks you to go off-campus without permission
  • Someone asks you to perform sex acts
  • Someone asks you to do a favor by holding drugs in your bedroom
  • Someone asks you to help this person by hurting another student
  • Someone asks you to keep quiet when this person damaged school property
  • Someone took pictures of another student without clothes on and showed it to you

If you said ‘no’ to any favor but knows the situation may be illegal or inappropriate, you are to report to staff for assistance. If you are unsure if it is illegal or inappropriate, please report to staff for safety reasons. By reporting to CSDR staff, you are protecting yourself.

If you observe unsafe conditions such as a broken window, uneven sidewalk, lights not functioning properly in a darkened area, or the like, you are to report to staff immediately.

CSDR values an environment that is safe, enjoyable, respectful, and supportive and creates a positive experience for all students who attend CSDR as Cottage students. You have the right to protect yourself at all times by saying ‘no’ to any favors and/or reporting to staff if you know of any illegal or inappropriate activities by other students.

After-School Programs

The Student Life cottages coordinate a variety of after school activities that are designed to keep students occupied as well as for learning experiences. The program includes, but is not limited to, student development lessons, sports, intramural activities and various recreational programs in which students can participate as they choose.

Day Student Staying After School

With approval from the Assistant Director of Student Life, Supervisor of Residence Programs (SRP) and Supervising Counselor (SC), day students who stay after school for various activities such as athletics, HS Student Life after-school programs, organization meetings, or other activities must sign in at their assigned cottages. Day students will be expected to follow the Cottage expectations. Elementary and Middle School Day students must be signed out by their parents/guardians when the parents/guardians come to pick up their child. For evening activities, day students are to go home after school and be brought back to school for the activity and then be picked up immediately afterwards. A parent's written permission note or a permission note/flyer from the cottages must be submitted to the cottage supervisors prior to your child staying after school for any activities.

On Sunday (or Monday on holiday) evenings, High School day students with notes from teachers are allowed to work on assignments or class projects with Cottage students, not to socialize.

Day students who are not participating in after-school activities are to go home right after school; there is no loitering on campus. If their teachers require them to stay after school, they still need to go home afterwards. Students not in compliance with this policy may face consequences.

Check-in/Check-out Procedure

High School students are required to keep cottage staff informed of students’ whereabouts while they are under the Cottage’s care. Students are required to sign in when checking into the cottage and sign out when visiting other parts of campus or going off-campus. Students may be given consequences if they fail to follow the procedure. Repeated occurrences may result in losing additional privileges. Parents are to call the cottage staff ahead of time if you plan on picking up your child in the early morning hours or late evenings. Students returning to the cottage before school in the mornings or after school in the evenings may be dropped off after 6:30am (for mornings) or before 10:00pm (for evenings). On Sundays, students may be dropped off after 8:30pm.

Kitchen and Refrigerator

The cottages offer kitchens and refrigerators for students to enjoy food they bring from home. Students are expected to be responsible when using the kitchen to prepare meals as well as the refrigerator to store perishable foods. Students may use kitchens for food preparation and refrigerators for storing foods in the following conditions:

  • Students are required to receive online training to familiarize themselves with the safety procedures when using appliances and cooking equipment. (staff will assist in training students in food handling).
  • Keep the kitchen clean at all times
  • If a student cooks for others or group cooking, students must keep the kitchen clean and clean cookware and utensils when finished and see that they are properly put away.
  • Return all kitchen utensils, cooking pans/pots back to where they belong.
  • Sweep and/or mop the floor as needed.
  • Students have the privilege of using the kitchen in the mornings to cook their meals between 6:45am-7:45am. Kitchen must be cleaned before 7:45am.
  • Every Thursday evening, students are responsible for discarding any expired food.
  • Microwaves must be cleaned after each use.

Personal Food

Students may bring food from home for personal use on the following conditions:

  • Portions will be limited to one week of food supply.
  • Perishable food must be consumed before the expiration date.
  • Any perishable food that is opened must be disposed of at the end of the week before going home for the weekend.
  • Perishable food items are to be kept only in the pantry or refrigerator.
  • Dry food is allowed in the bedrooms but must be stored in an airtight container such as a storage container with a lid or in plastic zip lock bags.
  • Storage of unopened beverages and food may be kept in bedrooms. Consumption of open beverages either in a can, bottle or container is not permitted except for water.
  • Put your name on all food that belongs to you.

Videophone Usage in Cottages

  • Appropriate language must always be always used.
  • Calls are not permitted between school and cottages. No lewd acts or behaviors are allowed while using videophones or web cameras.
  • No videophone calls are allowed during study hours and in the morning.
  • You will be reminded 15 minutes prior to bedtime to end the call.
  • Videophone equipment is not to be tampered with, damaged, or used as a monitor for other devices.
  • Staff have a right to interrupt or stop calls if they see that it is inappropriate.
  • Elementary/Middle School Video calls must be completed by bedtime.
  • High School VP Hours: done by 10:00pm

Computer Use for Cottage Students

The cottage computers are available to students primarily to support academic performance. The computers are used for homework first, personal/entertainment used second and on a limited basis. The use of cottage computers is a privilege, not a right. Students are not allowed, but not limited to, make copies of software and give, lend, or sell copies of software to others; bring games from home and use them on the cottage computers; download any information; try to learn other’s passwords; copy, change, read, or use files from another user; attempt to get access to system programs or computer equipment; use the computers to disturb or harass others; use inappropriate language on the computer; use threatening or obscene language on the computer; use instant messaging, electronic bulletin boards, or chat lines; type their home address or personal phone number on the computer; look for websites with inappropriate jokes, pictures, or discussions; and tamper or damage the hardware. Students must permit staff to see what they have typed or what they are viewing on the computer anytime staff requests to see the screen.

  • If a student uses the computer, web camera, digital camera, video camera, or other devices illegally, the incident may be reported to the police.
  • Students are expected to save all work on the network server. Files that need to be saved on another device to save storage space request the teacher move the files into another server file. Large sized files with video or images may be too large to send across the email system.
  • Vandalism or intentional modification of the computer will result in disciplinary consequences. When students have purposefully tried to change the system settings, parents/guardians/students will pay retribution costs to repair/replace computers.
  • All students are to stop using the computer 30 minutes prior to bedtime.
  • For Middle School cottage students only: After homework is completed, students are allowed to check email, surf the web, or play computer games 30 minutes a day on the cottage computer.
  • Counselors will explain the policy, rules, requirements, and consequences to the students.
  • Students who break the policy or rules are denied access to cottage computers for one to four weeks, and parents/guardians are informed. Serious or repeated infractions can lead to suspension. Parents/guardians may be asked to meet with staff regarding serious or repeated infractions that can lead to complete loss of computer privileges in the cottage for the rest of the school year.
  • Residents are expected to follow the Technology Service policy and consequences.

Cottage Study Hours

Structured study hours are provided for our students in the cottage. In Student Life cottages, the students generally have an hour of study time. Elementary study hours are from 30 to 60 minutes. Middle School and High School study hours are generally 60 minutes every day. All students needing more time to study can have more time as needed. Educational programs will be offered to students who do not have homework assignments. High School students with GPA 3.0 or higher will have the privilege of having their own independent study hours.

Study Time Expectations

Elementary and Middle School

  • Students are not allowed to have their communication devices with them during study time.
  • Students may sit in their rooms or the living room area to do their homework. Students raise their hands and ask permission to get up before leaving their seats.
  • Students show cottage counselors their completed assignments from their school issued calendar notebooks.
  • Students are not to socialize during study time.
  • Students should ask their teachers for a note if they are to study with a partner.

High School

  • Students may sit in their rooms or the living room area to do their homework.
  • Students are not to socialize during study time.
  • Students should ask their teachers for a note if they are to study with a partner.
  • 3.0 GPA or higher- May have an Independent Study Hour.

Academic Probation - High School Cottage

Students who are on Academic Probation Restriction/With Privilege (AP/APP) and Academic Probation will be required to add an additional 30 minutes to their homework hour.

Cottage Activity Expenses

Elementary and Middle School cottage counselors maintain student accounts and distribute funds to students when needed or by request. Parents/Guardians may send money through the mail or give it to the counselor on the bus on Sunday in an envelope.

High school students are responsible for their own spending money, but they are encouraged to give their cottage counselors for safekeeping if they have large sums of money.

Elementary/Middle School Students are encouraged to give any cash money to their cottage counselors immediately upon returning to school on Sunday evenings, or any first night back to school. Parents/guardians will be contacted by cottage counselors regarding extra money for field trips, and other items.

Dining Room Expectations

All students are expected to behave appropriately during mealtimes.

  • Students are to remain seated while eating.
  • Students are not to pound on tables.
  • Students should use good manners while sitting at their tables.
  • Trays and eating area should be cleaned up when finished eating.
  • All food is to be consumed in the dining room.
  • Students who are disruptive or defiant toward staff may be asked to sit separately from other students or restricted from future activities.
  • All students are required to go to the cafeteria during dinner hour for accountability. For those who have off campus privileges will not need to show up at the cafeteria.
  • Public display of affection (PDA) should be appropriate.


Students are not to be on their phones after lights out. Consequences may be given if they are found using their phones. Cottage daily chores, preparations for bedtime, homework etc., are to be completed before lights out.

High School lights out:

  • Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior 11:00pm
  • Post grad students 12:00am

Middle School lights out: 9:30pm

Elementary lights out: 8:45pm

Cottage Bedrooms

  • No food is permitted in bedrooms other than non-perishable food that is being kept in a sealed container or plastic zip-lock bag.
  • Only drinking water is allowed.
  • All suitcases will be kept under the bed.
  • Appropriate posters/pictures may be posted on bulletin boards only.
  • Beds and dressers shall remain at the same location and not be moved.
  • Windows shall always remain locked unless it is an emergency.
  • Towels must be hung up properly.
  • Always keep bedrooms clean.
  • No visitors other than roommates are allowed to enter the bedroom.
  • Restrooms in the pods are limited to students who reside in one of the bedrooms in that pod area only.
  • Students may use their personal devices to make video calls. Calls can be made from the common area, living room or bedroom. If making a call from their bedroom, the door must be kept open, and they must be properly clothed.
  • Sleeping bags may not be used in place of sheets. Regular sheets and blankets must be used on all beds.
  • All linen is to be changed at the end of the week. Personal linen is to be brought home for cleaning.

Cottage Restrooms

CSDR values the respect and privacy of students who use the pod’s restrooms in the cottage. The expectation when using the restroom is as follows:

  • Respect student’s privacy at all times.
  • When using the shower, only one student will be allowed to use the shower stall at all times.
  • When using the restroom stall, only one student will be allowed to use the restroom stall at all times.
  • Only students who reside in pod’s bedroom use the pod’s restroom.
  • Absolutely no mobile phones or electronic devices, including cameras, are allowed in restrooms or locker rooms at any time.

Basic Guidelines and Expectations for Closet Keys


  • Students are fully responsible for the closet key they are issued for their assigned room.
  • It is prohibited to borrow or loan keys to others.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to maintain control of their assigned key at all times.
  • Only one set of keys may be issued to a student.
  • The student is required to sign out their keys at the time of enrollment and is expected to turn them in at the end of the year or the end of their cottage status.
  • If a student is reassigned to a new cottage, they must return their assigned key to the cottage counselor or supervisor before they are issued a key in their new cottage.
  • If the key is not returned to the cottage staff at the end of the year or at the end of their cottage status, the student may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • It is forbidden for a student to duplicate or possess a duplicate closet key.
  • Assigned key or the closets are not to be tampered with for any reason.
  • Staff have the right to inspect the closet at any time for any safety reasons, suspicion of drug/alcohol involvement and/or cleanliness.
  • If for any reason it has been determined that the closet or key were misused, the result may be losing the privilege to use them.

Lost and Stolen Keys

  • Students are responsible to immediately report their key lost or stolen to their counselor and supervisor. If the key is determined lost/stolen, a “Report of Loss of State Property” form must be filed. A request for a new key will be made but an issued date cannot be determined.
  • If it is determined that the key ring was lost due to negligence of the student, the student is subject to disciplinary action.
  • Students will be given a reasonable amount of time (not to exceed 5 business days) to locate missing keys based upon individual circumstances.

Communication of Cottage Progress

In order to form a partnership between cottage staff and parents, parents and cottage staff will determine which communication methods, phone call, weekly journal, etc., work best for us to keep parents informed about their child’s progress in the cottage. Contact over the phone will be done before 9:00pm unless it is an emergency.

Medical Emergency

Counselors or staff members shall transport students to the hospital in case of emergencies only. CSD does not provide transportation for routine medical appointments.

Movie and Video Games

  • For movies to be shown in cottages, rated R and M are not allowed. For video games, they must be rated no higher than “E” for elementary and “T” for middle school and high school as recommended by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB).
  • Noncompliance of these expectations may result in the loss of privileges.
  • Residents are expected to follow and adhere to the Technology Service policy and consequences.

Mobile Phones and Electrical Devices

Devices may be used after school ends until bedtime except for educational hour. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their personal devices safe. CSDR is not responsible for replacing lost or stolen items.

Elementary/Middle School – Students are to turn in their phones prior to bedtime. In the morning, devices may be picked up at 7:30 a.m. prior to leaving for breakfast to be secured in backpacks or stored in lockers.

There are expectations for the use of Smartphones or Electronic Devices with a camera or video capability in bedrooms, restrooms, and locker rooms. These are in place for student safety and the protection of student’s’ privacy. The following is not allowed in any bedroom, restroom, or locker rooms. There are no exceptions.

  • Taking pictures
  • Video recording
  • Video messaging
  • Live video messaging (FaceTime, VP, etc.)

High School Cottage Smartphone Usage Policy in Bedroom

The safety of our students is our top priority and to ensure that the students’ privacy is protected while the student uses personal electronic devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop) in the bedroom.

The Student Life department understands that it is important for every residential student to stay connected with their family members by using ASL language through live video (Facetime, videophone, etc.) Personal Electronic Device/Phone Permission and Consent form is required for the student and parents to sign.

  • The bedroom door must be kept open
  • Appropriate attire must be worn
  • No obscene acts and indecent exposure
  • Respect roommate’s privacy and others in your surroundings
  • Turn personal electronic devices off at bedtime and put them out of view
  • Get permission from cottage staff if the student needs to make a call after bedtime. (Emergency only)
  • Using live video and video text are prohibited in the restroom and locker room.

Consequences for the following violations:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Verbal Warning - Meeting with SL supervisor and contact parents/guardians
  3. Lose privilege of using video in bedroom for 5 days. (Common area is ok) File an informative report and notify the parents/guardians
  4. Repeat 3rd consequence

If a photo/video is taken in a bathroom, bedroom, or locker room, we have the right to ask students to remove any inappropriate videos and pictures from their phone and any that have been posted on social media. Those involved will be subjected to disciplinary action.

Off-campus Activities for High School Students

High school students may only go off campus to designated town visits on scheduled dates. Parents are required to sign the “general permission” form giving consent. Under no circumstances, except for students who work off-campus, is any student allowed to go off campus alone. Adult students are required to follow the same privilege schedule.

Off-Campus Privilege Schedule

  • GPA of 2.0 or higher without chaperones or in a group: Mondays - Thursdays (local shopping center area: Target, Pizza Hut, Subway, Starbucks, 99 cents store, Yum Yum, MOD, etc.), up to 2 hours anytime between 3:45pm – 6:00pm or 6:30pm –9:00pm.
  • GPA of 3.0 and higher: Morning off campus, Yum Yum, 7:45am – 8:30am
  • Morning off campus: will require a town pass from a counselor to be given to the NA for the following morning.
  • Dinner off campus, students are not required to show up at the cafeteria. Students will require a town pass from a counselor.
  • GPA of 3.5 or higher: will earn one hour extra off campus.
  • TOP: Daily off campus from 3:45pm – 9:30pm unless there is a planned activity/trip at that time.

Off Campus Expectations

High School students on town visits are expected to follow these rules.

Students will:

  • Get permission and obtain a town pass from their cottage counselors before departing off campus.
  • Signing out of the cottage is required before going off campus.
  • Submit town pass to their cottage counselor upon arrival.
  • Cross streets using crosswalks.
  • Be on their best behavior at all times.
  • No loitering around in any store.

Off campus infractions will be determined by the supervisor and it may result in, but not limited to:

  • Losing their next town visit privilege if they return late from the approval time.
  • Losing town visits privilege for one month if caught stealing.
  • Changing the off-campus privilege to chaperone status.
  • Losing town visits privileges for one week to one month if caught using drugs or alcohol.

For any school-related events either on or off campus, all students are to follow the allocated time of the event. If students want to be on their own after an event, they must be released to their parents/guardians first.

If adult students choose to leave on their own (following the PAWS privilege schedule), they must sign a release form and get signed permission from an SC or SRP. Parents/Guardians making special requests must check with the students’ supervisor for approval.

Food Deliveries for High School

Students may use food delivery services to deliver food. Services such as, Door Dash, Uber Eats, pizza deliveries, etc., must follow these expectations:

  • Students are to inform their cottage staff that they plan to order food prior to ordering.
  • Food deliveries are to be brought to the Brill building .
  • For safety reasons, students are to wait until the food is delivered and driver has left before opening the gate to pick up their food.
  • Last order is to be made before 8:30pm

Missing/Stolen Items at Student Life

If students or their parents/guardians report missing or stolen items that occur while in the care of Student Life, staff members will investigate and make a report to supervisors, parents/guardians and/or police. We are not responsible for replacing any missing/stolen items.

Bicycles, Scooters, Skates and Skateboards

The Middle School and High School Student Life Programs allow students to bring their bicycles, scooters, skateboards, or similar devices on campus. A parent/guardian permission form must be signed before bringing the items.

Motorized scooters or similar devices are not allowed. Students are allowed to ride their bikes only at certain times and with a counselor’s permission. Students are to take full responsibility for their equipment. CSDR is not responsible for replacing any missing/ stolen items. There are conditions to follow, and all students are expected to comply.

The students are expected to:

  • A consent form must be completed and submitted to the cottage counselor for filing.
  • A helmet must be properly worn at all times.
  • Students are not to lend or borrow equipment from others at any time.
  • Students are not to ride their equipment inside any buildings.
  • Students can only ride on the sidewalks in the High School residential area. “Traffic areas”, such as patios, roadways, bus areas, and buildings are prohibited.
  • Riding can be done after school until dinnertime and resume in the evening in well-lit areas.
  • Show respect and have appropriate behavior toward people and CSDR property at all times
  • Store all equipment in designated storage rooms. There is no storing inside the cottages.
  • Must get permission from a counselor and sign in/out before riding. Counselors will determine if it is safe to ride.
  • Freestyle tricks of any kind are prohibited. Students are to remain on the sidewalks only and not on top of railings, tables, and etc. while riding.

Note: Bicycles will not be transported by school vans or buses. Parents must bring and pick up the bicycles in their own transportation. Elementary students are not allowed to bring their bicycles on campus. Elementary cottages have their own bicycles for students to use after school hours.

Failure to comply with the rules above will result in the loss of riding privileges in the following:

  1. Offense: Equipment will be taken away for one week.
  2. Offense: Equipment will be taken away and parents will be required to take it home for one month.
  3. Offense: Equipment will be taken away and parents will be required to take it home and loss of privilege for the remainder of the year.


Transportation for Cottage Students

CSD provides transportation to and from school for Cottage students, following the school calendar. Buses pick up and deliver students at designated stops and times.

Transportation booklets with the designated stops and time schedules are given to new families when they enroll, and yearly schedules are distributed to all families before each school year starts. Special schedules for early dismissal days are also included. Additional schedules can be obtained from the Transportation Office.

Transportation for Day Students

The transportation of Day students to and from CSD is the primary responsibility of your local school district. CSD does NOT route, dispatch or schedule day student bus stop times.

CSD does, however, act as a liaison between CSD, your local school district and parents.

CSD Dispatcher – Caryn Cooke Phone: 951-248-7700 x4187

Changing your day students home going plans

  • Day Students are required to ride their bus home daily.
  • Parent/Guardian must contact schools’ secretary and transportation office in advance and notify them of a change in home going plans.
  • Students will only be released to individuals who are listed as alternative contacts on PowerSchool.
  • Students being picked up on campus must be signed out at the school, cottage, or transportation offices
  • Hosting/Visiting, written permission for all parties involved needs to be given in advance to the school secretary, residential supervisor and transportation office.

Transportation Office Hours

Day Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Contact Information

Elementary and Middle School

Andrew Bubeck

Elementary, Middle School and Transportation Supervisor (SSMI) (Assistant Director of Student Life)

(951) 248-7700 x6582

(951) 824-8019 VP

951) 824-8019 Español

High School

Katrina Velandres

High School Supervisor of Residence Program

(951) 248-7700 x2201

(951) 824-8045 VP

(951) 824-8045 Español


Caryn Cooke

Transportation Coordinator

(951) 248-7700 x4187

(951) 824-8088 VP

(951) 824-8088 Español

Passenger Safety Program (EC39831.3) 

Cottage students who do not behave properly on the bus will receive a misconduct report. They can have either a minor or a major infraction, depending on their behavior. First minor infraction the students will receive verbal warning and parents will be notified. Second minor infraction the students will receive a consequence and parents will be notified. Third infraction will result in loss of one round trip of bus trip. Parents will be responsible for the transportation. First major infraction will result in suspension of one round trip of bus trip. For day students, consequences will be given in accordance with student’s school district policies.

Permission to Visit on Weekends

Cottage students who want to visit a friend who rides the same or another Cottage bus need to fill out the Weekend Guest Form 15 and Weekend Host Form 16 and give the forms to their cottage counselors one week prior to the visit. This ensures that our staff knows which stop the students are to get off the bus, and it communicates parents/guardian’s written permission that the child can be picked up by the other student’s parents/guardians. If parents/guardians want to come to the school on Friday to pick up their child and their child’s guest, this should be indicated on the signed guest/host forms. To qualify for visiting privileges, students must have shown appropriate behavior in the cottage, at school and on buses. No visitation is allowed during the first weekend of the school year and during the summer session.

Day students being picked up on campus must be signed out at school, the cottage or the transportation office.

Students 18 years old or older who host other students are required to have their parents/guardians’ signature on the host form so that the host parents will know guests are coming to their houses. Visit Permission Forms need to be turned in to the transportation department by the Monday prior to the visit.

Only in extreme circumstances will phone calls or emails be accepted in lieu of a signed form.

Weekend Sports

If the child is active in a sport that involves weekend games, parents/guardians will need to contact the Athletic Director or coaches in order to obtain information regarding their travel plans.

School Holidays 

Please refer to the school calendar to determine which holidays CSD is not in session. If the school is closed for a Monday holiday, transportation will resume on Monday evening instead of Sunday evening. If there is no school on Friday, students will go home on Thursday afternoon, following the Friday time schedules.

Sunday Meals 

CSD’s dining room is not open on Sundays. Parents/Guardians may allow their children to bring food on the buses. Glass containers are not permitted. Drinks should be in plastic bottles. On certain buses traveling long distances, there are stops where students can buy food. Students are responsible for cleaning their area after eating. On homegoing days, students are not allowed to buy food at any bus stop.

Conduct on the School Bus/Van (CCR 14103) 

Rules for riding in school vehicles are established to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of students. Students transported in a school vehicle are under the direct authority and responsibility of the driver of the vehicle. (5CAC 14103) Students are expected to follow the rules at all times. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a student to be denied the privilege of riding in school vehicles.

  • Obey the directions of the driver and/or escort.
  • Stay in your seat at all times with seatbelts fastened.
  • Keep the vehicle clean and do not litter.
  • Be courteous.
  • Keep all body parts inside the vehicle at all times.
  • Keep your hands and feet to self.
  • Do not fight or make loud noises.
  • Inform your escort or driver if needing assistance or have a problem.
  • Never touch the emergency exits, safety equipment, or bus controls.
  • Stay away from the bus tires.
  • Do not throw anything out of the windows.
  • Keep the aisles and emergency exits clear.
  • Store large items (i.e., skateboards) in the luggage compartment.
  • Do not bring animals, reptiles, or insects into a vehicle.
  • No transporting of bicycles on the bus.

Changes in Address or Contact Information

In order to ensure that all students are traveling on correct transportation, it is crucial that the Transportation office have the current parent/guardian’s address and contact information and for emergencies.

For day students, it may take school district up to 5 to 10 working days to change their schedules.

Student Services

The CSD Student Services Division facilitates the admission of new students, and then provides support services to help all students function at their full potential. The Student Services Division consists of:

  • Admissions
  • Assessment and Intervention Services
  • Thrive! Resource Center
  • Counseling
  • Speech
  • Audiology
  • Family Education
  • Health Services
  • IEP Coordination
  • Student Data Management

Each department within Student Services uses a team approach in providing support services to students. The goal is to identify individual student strengths and areas of need. Student strengths are used to facilitate and support their skills in the areas of academics, behavior, and personal and social development. The Student Services staff members are all highly trained in their areas of expertise and are wonderful resources for information and guidance.


Collaboration and communication between parents/guardians, staff and students are a priority at CSD. In effort to build on this belief, and to ensure academic success for all students, we offer PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal.

The PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal provide parents and students secured internet access to a wide range of relevant data such as:

  • Student schedules
  • Class assignments/scores
  • Report card/progress report grades/teacher comments
  • Email links to teachers
  • The option to subscribe to email notifications of your students’ class assignments, scores, grades, etc.
  • Annual Registration

Health Services

The Health Services Department is open twenty-four hours a day from Sunday night at 6:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Friday. There is always a registered nurse on duty. Emphasis is on first aid and short-term care, with the goal of returning students to the classroom or dormitory as quickly as possible. Residential students will be provided more extended services beyond school hours as deemed necessary. CSD has a school physician who oversees the medical services provided at the school's Infirmary. The nursing staff utilizes the school doctor’s standing orders for all nursing care. Emergency services will be arranged at the local hospital for all students.

The Health Services Department (Infirmary) provides the following basic care for all students:

  • Dispensing medication
  • Administer minor first aid
  • Screen for referrals to physicians
  • Monitor medical conditions
  • Provide temporary care for students who are ill
  • Maintain student medical records

Parent/ Guardian Responsibilities

  • Complete medical release forms. This form is to be submitted by the start of each new school year and also updated when changes occur. Student over the age of 18 years may sign their own forms.
  • Current numbers and addresses for: email, phone and text (home, work and emergency) (EC 49408).
  • Complete Physical exam forms (required for new students and 1st graders only). (EC 49450.6).
  • Provide insurance and medical information.
  • Keep immunizations current. (EC 482116)
  • Tuberculosis skin tests are required every two years (EC 59150).

Parent Information for Sick Students

  • Keep your child home when ill. Sick students will be sent home.
  • Pick up your child as soon as possible when requested to do so by the infirmary staff. The nurse may initially care for their illnesses and/or injuries at school, but the final health care responsibility remains with the student’s parents or guardians and their private physicians. If a student is too ill or injured to stay at school (as determined by the school physician and/or nurse’s judgment), the parent/guardian or emergency contact person is notified and they will make plans for the student to be picked up and transported home or to their health care provider for further medical care.
  • If your child’s illness required a doctor’s visit, submit any medications and written instructions for follow up care to the infirmary when he/she returns to school.
  • Pay close attention to the date the doctor writes for your child’s return to school date. Example: if the doctor writes: “student may return to school on Monday 08/25/2014”. If your child stays in the cottage, do not send him/her to school Sunday night 08/24/2014. Your child will not be able to stay on campus and will be sent back home.
  • Nursing staff will notify parent or guardian (via; phone, video phone, text and or email) when their child is treated for medical problems/or injuries; however, exceptions to notification may include complaints and/or treatment of minor scrapes, occasional headaches, low-grade fever, or colds, etc.


  • The COVID virus is still present in our local and global populations. While it is primarily a respiratory infection, it also impacts other parts of the body and sick person may have a variety of symptoms including:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Body Aches
  • Safety Precautions:
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), encourages everyone to continue to practice physical distancing, wearing face mask in crowded indoor areas, practice frequent hand washing and getting your COVID immunizations.
  • COVID immunizations are scheduled to be a requirement for school entry starting with the 2023 – 2024 school year. However, you can contact your health care provider to schedule your child’s COVID vaccination now if they meet the age requirements.


  • All student medication (prescription and over-the-counter) that the parent/guardian sends to the infirmary must be accompanied with the order from the health care provider. Be sure you take a copy of the Authorization to Take Medication Form with you to each pediatric visit for your child.
  • The infirmary may only accept medications by a health care professional licensed by the state of California to prescribe medications. Do not send medications that you received from outside the state of California or the United States of America. (CCR, Title 5, Section 601 [a])
  • Deliver medications directly to the Health Services staff. Students are not allowed to keep medications in their possession. Exceptions such as topical acne medication, epinephrine auto-injectors and asthma inhalers may be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be include written approval by the student’s physician, parent and the Health Services supervising nurse. (EC 49423, 49423.1)
  • Attach the required Authorization to Take Medication Form (completed by a physician), to all medications.
  • Send all medicine in the original pharmacy or manufacturer labeled containers.
  • All medication containers must include the student’s name and dosing instructions from the pharmacy or physician.
  • The infirmary will not accept medication containers that include: two or more different types of medications, different dosage strengths of the same medication, medications that are different from what is written on the medication label or medications that have not been prescribed for the student.


The COVID pandemic has interrupted regular life activities in our lives including staying up to date with our children’s vaccination schedules. As a result, many children are behind in receiving their required shots for school. Follow up with your health care provider to ensure that your child has the appropriate medical screenings and immunizations for their age.

Grade Immunization Number of Doses Required
Transitional Kindergarten - 12th Grade Polio 4
Transitional Kindergarten - 12th Grade DTaP 5
Transitional Kindergarten - 12th Grade Hep B 3
Transitional Kindergarten - 12th Grade MMR 2
Transitional Kindergarten - 12th Grade Varicella 2
7th Grade - 12th Grade *Tdap +1

*TK/K – 12 doses

Immunization Exemptions:

Beginning January 1, 2021, schools may only accept medical exemptions for immunizations issued by a MD or DO licensed in California. (SB 276 and SB 714 Pan, 2019)

Health Insurance

It is important that current insurance information is provided to Health Services. If a student is eligible for Medi-Cal, the number and issue date of the card must be provided. All information will be on file if needed for medical care and services. Parents and guardians are responsible for all student medical bills.

Minor and Confidentiality Rights

Check the California Education Code for information related to medical treatment and the confidentiality rights of minors. (EC 4601.1)

Suicide Prevention

CSD has in place a Policy (Section 714) on Suicide Guidelines/Prevention. School staff are responsible for the safety and general well-being of students which include the detection and prevention of suicide amongst students. Parents are encouraged to contact Counseling Services with any mental health concerns.

Family Life and Health Education

Family Life Education (EC51930-51959, 51240)

California Education Code 51550 and 51551 states if classes are offered in public and secondary schools where human reproductive function and sexually transmitted disease or other topics related to sex education, it must be made known to the parents/guardians of each pupil. The notification must be in writing. Such notice must be delivered via mail or other modes used to communicate individually to all parents/guardians of the participating pupils. Parents/Guardians must be given “reasonable” amount of time (at least 15 days) to be able to inspect the materials to be used and be able to withdraw their child from the class. No child may participate in a class if a request from the parent/guardian to authorize a withdrawal in writing, has been received by the school. Any written text or visual/ audio materials that are to be used in class that examine the human reproductive processes or sexually transmitted diseases are to be made available for inspection by parents/guardians at a time that is convenient and reasonable prior to the conduction of the course. Supplement to Education Code 51551: Senate Bill 2394 – Russell Bill

AIDS Prevention Education

California does not require schools to teach sexuality education. However, if schools do teach sexuality education, which they are permitted to do in kindergarten through the twelfth grade, they must follow certain guidelines. In addition, California schools are required to teach HIV/AIDS education to students at least once in middle school and once in high school.

California state law requires that all instruction be age-appropriate and medically accurate, which is defined as “verified or supported by research conducted in compliance with scientific methods and published in peer-reviewed journals, where appropriate, and recognized as accurate and objective by professional organizations and agencies with expertise in the relevant field, such as the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Public Health Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.”

In addition, California law dictates that, “instruction and materials shall be appropriate for use with pupils of all races, genders, sexual orientations, ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and pupils with disabilities.” Instruction must also encourage parent-child communication about sexuality. From grade 7 on, all instruction must include information about abstinence while “providing medically accurate information on other methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.” This instruction must “provide information about the effectiveness and safety of all FDA-approved contraceptive methods in preventing pregnancy, including, but not limited to, emergency contraception.” Each school district must provide in-service trainings for all teachers and school employees who conduct HIV- prevention education. School districts may contract with outside consultants either to teach students or provide the in-service trainings. In addition to the California law, the state's Health Education Framework emphasizes the need to address HIV/AIDS, STDs, and pregnancy prevention and provides suggestions for curricula. In 2003, the California Department of Education also released its own guidelines and resources.

Parents or guardians may remove their children from sexuality education and/or STD/HIV education classes. This is referred to as an “opt-out” policy.

Testing Programs

Classroom Testing

CSD uses a variety of assessment tools to determine student achievement. For all campus departments: Alternative Curriculum Education (ACE), Elementary, Middle School, and High School, teachers administer formative and summative assessments depending on college and career readiness objectives. Classroom assessments are used to measure student progress and growth, as well as guide classroom instruction.

School-Wide Standardized Testing

CSD uses the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Growth Tests to measure student performance and academic achievement for students in grades 2-12. Other formal tests completed for triannual IEPs and/or requests for additional testing are conducted by psychologists on campus. For more information on the types of additional testing offered, contact the Assessment department.

State-Required Testing Programs

As documented in their IEP, all students are required to participate in state testing programs known as California Assessments of Student Progress and Performance (CAASPP). Parents who wish to exempt their child from state testing can do so during the IEP meeting; otherwise, parent(s) must provide in writing your wish for exemption before state testing begins in the spring. More information on the following tests can be found on the California Department of Education website.

Desired Results Developmental Profiles (DRDP 2015) - 18 months - Preschool

The DRDP (2015) is a formative assessment instrument developed by the California Department of Education for use with all children from early infancy up to kindergarten entry, including children with Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs) and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). It is designed to be used to inform instruction and program development. The DRDP (2015) is made up of eight domains (approaches to learning–self regulation, social and emotional development, language and literacy development, English language development, cognition: math, cognition: science, physical development–health, history and social science, and visual and performing arts). The focus of each domain is on the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or behaviors that reflect each domain’s developmental constructs. It aligns with the CDE’s Early Learning and Development Foundations.

SKI-HI Learning Development Scale (LDS) - Birth - age 5

Pursuant to the requirements of Education Code 56326.5, each child that is Deaf or Hard of Hearing served in an Early Start and Preschool Education Programs must be evaluated using the SKI-HI Language Developmental Scale, and the results are to be reported to the State Special Schools and Services Division at the California Department of Education.

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) – Grades 3-8 and 11

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) is a total of four summative tests: two computer-adaptive tests and two performance tasks based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. Smarter Balanced summative assessment results include student scores, achievement levels, and descriptors that describe student performance.

California Alternative Assessment (CAA) – Grades 3-8 and 11

The goals of the CAAs are to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for postsecondary options. The ELA and mathematics tests are administered one-on-one and aligned with alternate achievement standards—called the Core Content Connectors (CCCs)—that are linked to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

California Science Test (CAST) – Grades 5, 8, and once in High School

This test is a federally required science assessment for grades five and eight and once in high school (i.e., grade ten, eleven, or twelve). Since the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (CA NGSS) in 2013, the California Department of Education developed the California Science Test (CAST), which is aligned with these standards. High school students will have only one opportunity to take a science test (i.e., in grade ten, eleven, or twelve). CSD administers a science test to students in grade ten or eleven depending on when the student has taken their last required Science course. Students in grade twelve, who have not yet taken a science test, will automatically be registered to test. Students repeating grade twelve are not eligible to test.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT) – Grades 5, 7, and 9

The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. The test has six parts that show a level of fitness that offer a degree of defense against diseases that come from inactivity.

College Entrance Examinations – Grades 10-12

CSD offers a variety of advanced level course work and examinations for High School students that are college bound.

Advanced Placement Exams (AP) – Grades 10-12

Advanced Placement is a program of rigorous, college-level courses available at the high school level. National exams administered by the College Board allow students to earn college credit for a score of 3 or better on the exam. CSD strongly urges students who take an AP course to challenge themselves by taking the corresponding exam. Exam fees are the responsibility of the student.

PSAT 10 – Grade 10

Currently, CSD offers the PSAT 10 test to students in the 10th grade, which includes a Reading Test, Writing and Language Test, and Math Test. Results can be used to determine if students are capable of participating in AP level courses, as well as guide instruction for areas of weakness.

ACT – Grades 11-12

Through the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, CSD offers the ACT Test on campus for college-bound 11th and 12th graders, which is a national college admissions examination. The test consists of subject area tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and a written essay. Students scoring high enough scores in each area may qualify for college scholarships.

Academic Grading System

Standards Referenced Grading Procedures

CSD uses Standards Referenced Grading throughout the academic progress, which CSD believes assessment is a process for providing feedback that influences learning and that grades should reflect mastery of the standards, CSD will support accuracy in grading through standards referencing assignments and assessments.

CSD will enact a grading procedure that requires secondary classroom teachers to assign grades that reflect students’ mastery of the California State Standards. This procedure is designed to communicate accurate information to parents and students regarding progress towards mastery. Middle School and High School receive letter grades according to the following grading scale:

*Advanced Placement courses earn 1 extra grade point. Honors courses earn .5 extra grade points.
100 - 90 4.0 A Exceeds Standards
89 - 80 3.0 B Meets Standards
79 - 70 2.0 C Approaching Standards
69 - 60 1.0 D Needs Support
59 - 0 0.0 F Not Met

Grades will be calculated using Summative Assessments and Formative Assessments that demonstrate subskills leading toward mastery of learning targets.

Standards Referenced Grading

60% - Summative Assessment: Assessments that evaluate student learning at the conclusion of the instruction unit/theme. Such as Tests, Presentations, Final Essays. Students will have the opportunity to request reassessment within specific time period of SA grades if their grade falls below 80% with teacher’s approval.

30% - Formative Assessment: Assignment/assessments which are on-going that evaluation students’ current understanding during the unit/theme. Such as practice labs, quizzes, classroom discussion

10% - Skills for Success: Student shall incorporate communication, collaboration, literacy, critical thinking, community and work ethics as part of their daily routine. Such as participation, homework, etc.

Incomplete Grades (Middle School and High School)

At the end of a grading term, a grade of incomplete (INC) may be given when a student misses assignments due to absence. The student must complete the work to receive a grade within a period of time that equals the duration of the absence. When the absence is due to an extended illness, the student has a reasonable period of time following the absence to complete the required work. If the work is not completed in the allotted time, the INC becomes the grade earned.

Grade Reports (EC49066-67)

Report Cards are issued at the end of each semester (High School) or trimester (Middle School). These grades are recorded on the students’ official transcripts/permanent records. (EC49067) Progress Reports (High School) are issued at the end of the 1st and 3rd Quarter. Student’s grades on Progress Reports represent 50% of the final grade for the semester. Deficiency reports are issued for those students earning a 70% or lower in the middle of each quarter (High School) or trimester (Middle School).

High School Guidelines and Services

Student Identification Card

In High School, all students will be issued an identification card with a lanyard. It is expected that students keep the identification card (lanyard) with them at all times during school hours. The primary purpose of issuing ID cards is school safety. The ID card is bar coded to provide students with a variety of functions. Students will be issued one ID card during their four years in High School free of charge. If an ID card is lost or damaged it must be reported immediately to the main office and a new card will be issued. The replacement cost for a lost or damaged ID card, $5.00, is the responsibility of the student.

Class Changes

High school students may request class changes through their Educational Advisor during the first 5 days of a semester. After the first 5 days of a semester, student requests for class changes are not honored. Students may not request class changes at the end of a quarter. Class changes requested by teachers for valid reasons may be made after the first 5 days of the semester.

Course Requirements for Graduation

Graduation requirements vary depending on when the student entered the High School program and which graduation track they are in. Contact the High School Office or Educational Advisor for more details.

Educational Advisor

Educational Advisors (EA) provide comprehensive academic guidance and facilitate communication among students, parents, and teachers. EAs help students monitor and accept responsibility for their academic progress.

Each student is assigned to an EA who meets with the student and contacts parents/guardians as needed. The EA helps the student develop plans to meet academic goals and enhance achievement. The EA maintains regular contact with teachers, school counselors, coaches, the athletic director, dorm counselors, and other staff who work with the student.

Student Portfolios

All students in grades 9-12 are required to complete student portfolios before they graduate. The requirements for each grade level differ, and seniors are required to give presentations on their comprehensive portfolios to a panel of high school and school administrators before they can be eligible for graduation. Information on specific requirements for the portfolios can be requested through the High School office.

Community Service

In order to promote civic awareness and volunteerism, High School requires all students to 50 hours of community service as part of their graduation requirements. During the first two years, students must complete 10 hours each year for a total of twenty (20) hours. The last two years, students must complete 15 hours each year for a total of thirty (30) hours. Total hours will be adjusted for students who do not attend CSD the full four years of high school. Community service hours must be documented on a form, which must include a principal’s prior approval before starting the service. Ideas for community service include community/school opportunities, city, youth and environmental projects, and student tutoring. For specific guidelines and further clarification, please contact the High School office. Definition of Community Service: the giving of one’s time, efforts, and skills outside of school class time for the purpose of benefitting the community (local or global), without monetary compensation.

WorkAbility and TPP Services

CSD both WorkAbility and TPP provide students with access to a career center, opportunities for job shadowing, tours of work/training sites, assistance with transition plans, and information about job/career planning.

Student Work Permit Requirements

Students who want to work in the community and are under the age of 18 must have a work permit. Students or parents/guardians may contact the Transition Coordinator or CTE Principal to obtain information about obtaining a work permit and regulations. The parents/guardians and employer complete the Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permit form7 and give this completed form to the Transition Coordinator or CTE Principal. If all information is in accordance with federal and state laws, the Transition Coordinator or CTE Principal will approve the permit and sign as the verifying authority and issue the work permit to the student.

Transition Services

The Transition Partnership Program (TPP) is a school-to- career collaboration between the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) and CSD. High school juniors and seniors who have the legal right to work in the United States and who can be competitively employed are served under this cooperative program. (EC56460-56472) The purpose of TPP is to provide juniors and seniors with the skills necessary to meet the demands of today’s workplace. TPP enables students to transfer their classroom experiences to the workplace by allowing them to participate in both on-campus and off-campus work experience. TPP staff work with DOR counselors to identify needed services and support for students transitioning from CSD to work or post-secondary training programs.


WorkAbility is funded and administered by the California Department of Education to assist students with identified educational needs by preparing them for the world of work. While many students may desire job placement, not all are job-ready. Students are assisted in developing pre-employment skills such as proper grooming, interview preparation, job performance expectations, and job retention skills. If it is determined that a student is job-ready, a job or training site is sought for them. WorkAbility staff also arrange an annual Career Awareness Day to expose students to a variety of career opportunities.

Participating in Senior Activities & Graduation

Per California Education Code (EC) sections 56390– 56392, CSD allows students with disabilities to participate in graduation ceremonies and activities. They may participate whether or not they have completed all state and local graduation requirements for a diploma or certificate or document of educational achievement. (EC56390- 56392, 56391, 56026)

The California Department of Education (CDE) is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities achieve to their maximum potential. It is also important to recognize each individual student’s efforts in this regard. California law provides a way to recognize students with disabilities who are unable to earn a high school diploma or who have not completed all graduation requirements by the end of grade 12.

A student with disabilities who does not meet all state and local requirements for earning a high school diploma, may be awarded a certificate or document of educational achievement or completion if any one of the three criteria outlined in EC Section 56390 are met. Awarding a student with an actual certificate is a local decision.

However, any student who meets any one of the three criteria, whether or not they are receiving a document such as a certificate or a diploma, shall be permitted to “participate in any graduation ceremony and any school activity related to graduation in which a pupil of similar age without disabilities would be eligible to participate,” such as walking in graduation ceremonies with their class. (EC Section 56391)

Following are the three criteria outlined in EC Section 56391:

  • The individual has satisfactorily completed a prescribed alternative course of study approved by the governing board of the school district in which the individual attended school or the school district with jurisdiction over the individual and identified in his or her individualized education program, or
  • The individual has satisfactorily met his or her individualized education program goals and objectives during high school as determined by the individualized education program team, or
  • The individual has satisfactorily attended high school, participated in the instruction as prescribed in his or her individualized education program, and has met the objectives of the statement of transition services.

If a student with disabilities, who is scheduled to earn a high school diploma by the end of their senior year, has not met all graduation requirements, the district is still responsible to provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) to the student until they complete their graduation requirements or turn age twenty-two, whichever comes first, even if the student has participated in a graduation ceremony (EC Section 56026). The individualized education program team will determine appropriate annual goals and special education supports and related services, and also will determine the appropriate educational setting that will (a) prepare the student to meet all graduation requirements by age twenty-two or; (b) provide the student with functional life skills and vocational preparation until age twenty-two. Should the student and/or parent refuse the offer of FAPE, the student may exit special education and the district may award the student with a certificate of completion.

Restroom Use

Students may use the restroom before and after school, during lunch, and between classes. Students must have a pass to use the restroom during class. Restroom passes are not issued during the first and last 10 minutes of class unless it is an emergency. Students are responsible to keep the restrooms clean.

Pregnancy Regulations

CSD does not exclude or deny any student from any educational program or activity solely on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy or recovery therefrom. (5 CCR § 4950 (a); 34CFR § 106.40 (b)(1)

Pregnant students and parenting male or female students are not excluded from participation in their regular school programs or required to participate in pregnant-student programs or alternative educational programs. (5 CCR § 4950(c); 34 CFR § 106.40(b)(1)

Pregnant/parenting students who voluntarily participate in alternative programs are given educational programs, activities and courses equal to the regular program. (5 CCR § 4950 (c);34 CFR § 106.40(b)(3) CSD treats pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy and recovery therefrom in the same manner and under the same policies as any other temporary disability. (5 CCR § 4950 (d); 34 CFR § 106.40(b)(4)

Policies and Procedures for a Safe School

The CSD Superintendent and Administrative Team are committed to providing a safe learning and working environment for all students and employees. To facilitate this goal, the following Policies and Procedures have been put into place, with compliance to state and federal laws.

School Visitors

Visitors are welcomed at California School for the Deaf, Riverside. All visitors will be required to follow school policies to ensure the safety of the campus, staff, students and other visitors. Visitors are encouraged to make appointments to visit CSDR to meet administration, faculty, and staff, view the facilities, gain knowledge of instructional programs, and share ideas. Visitors should not disrupt school instruction, operation, or activities; or compromise the safety and security of students, staff and other visitors. Visitors will be required to check in at the Administration Building, provide identification to be scanned by our Visitor Management System and receive a visitor’s badge.

If you wish to observe classes or meet with staff members, please make prior arrangements with Office Secretary of the Department.

Visitor’s/Parent’s Conduct on Campus (EC32210-12, 44810-11)

Parents, relatives and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and comply with directives from school staff while visiting the school campus. EC sections 32210-12 and 44810-11, state that any parent, guardian or other person who disrupts school or extracurricular activities or fails to leave a school building or school grounds promptly upon request of the Superintendent or designee could be charged with a misdemeanor. If warranted, the school shall contact the police. Anyone who causes a disturbance or exhibits disorderly conduct is subject to prosecution in accordance with law. The appeal process is included in the EC sections.

Freedom of Expression (EC48907, 48950)

All students have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of press within the school environment, including, but not limited to: the use of electronic devices, the use of computers and video phones, social networking, the use of bulletin boards; the distribution of printed materials or petitions; the wearing of buttons, badges, and other insignia; and the right of expression in official publications, whether or not these publications are supported financially by the school.

The school prohibits expression that is obscene, libelous, or slanderous, or that incites students to create a clear and present danger, to commit unlawful acts on school premises, to violate lawful school regulations, or to substantially disrupt the orderly operation of the school.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention

CSD is committed to creating a safe and secure school environment where all students may learn by eliminating bullying and harassment. It is important that all members of the CSD community be aware of school policies including what bullying looks like. Working together as a community, bullying can be eliminated.

The administration of CSD recognizes that there is a nationwide concern regarding the issue of bullying and acknowledges that CSD is not immune to such issues. Bullying is defined by CSD as an ongoing pattern of behavior that involves harassment, terrorism, intimidation, or threatening of an individual or individuals for a significant period of time. Bullying occurs in the forms of physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual/racial torment. It also includes the exclusion or isolation of another person and can be done face to face, in writing, by text, or via the internet. The CSD administration takes bullying behaviors very seriously. Bullying incidents and complaints are responded to by staff and disciplinary action is imposed when warranted. Harassment of any kind, including bullying, is not tolerated. The school’s goal is to provide a safe environment free of intimidation, where students may learn and thrive.

Students who engage in any act of bullying while at school, at any school-sponsored activity or event, or while in route to or from school are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and expulsion. Law enforcement officials are notified of bullying incidents, as required by law.

Mandated Reporting Policy & Procedures

All CSD employees are Mandated Reporters. Mandated Reporters must always:

  • For suspected abuse that occurred within the home, call in a verbal report to the CPS/APS agency in the student’s county of residence immediately (or as soon as practically possible).
  • For suspected abuse that occurred outside the home, including CSD campus, call in a verbal report to California Highway Patrol (CHP). In addition, immediately call in a verbal report to the CPS/APS agency in the student's county of residence.
  • FAX and/or mail a written report to each agency (CPS/APS, CHP) within 36 hours of receiving the information.

Sexual Harassment Policy & Procedures

Sexual Harassment in Schools (Assembly Bill 2900) mandates that Sexual harassment will be forbidden in any education institution, whether it may be public or private preschool, elementary, or secondary school or institution: a public or private institution of vocational, professional, or postsecondary education. For the purpose of clarification, sexual harassment means any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting. Sexual assault, and abuse, and harassment are not permitted.

CSD understands that sexual harassment is a serious problem for students at all educational levels. It is very important that students tell a teacher, Principal, guidance counselor or other school official, about harassment if it occurs at school. CSD supports the law which states the schools must stop sexual harassment of a student no matter who the harasser is. However, the school can only stop the harassment if someone in authority knows that it is happening. Once a school employee has knowledge of a case, it will be investigated by an incident panel. The panel will provide information to the Assistant Superintendent to make a code-based /policy decision regarding consequences.

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention training developed by the Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) provides staff members with techniques to ensure the welfare, safety, and security of themselves and the students in their care. The program emphasizes early intervention and nonphysical methods for preventing or managing disruptive behavior. Staff members learn verbal and nonverbal de-escalation techniques and physical control restraints designed to be non- harmful and noninvasive. Initial and refresher training is required for designated CSD staff members.


The CSD Superintendent and Administrative Team recognizes there may be rare occurrences when employees need to use reasonable and necessary force and physically restrain students in order to maintain order, protect property, protect the health and safety of pupils, obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects on or within the control of a student, or maintain proper and appropriate conditions conducive to learning. The CPI physical restraint system shall only be used by staff as a last resort when verbal techniques have been exhausted or when a student displays behavior that presents a danger to self or others. Staff shall complete an Incident Report form and a Restraint Documentation form when physical restraint is required and send the forms to the Department of Student Services office. Parents/guardians will be informed when the CPI physical restraint system has been employed. The police will be called when the student’s behavior is beyond the control of the CPI physical restraint system.

Attendance Policy

Good attendance is important to a student’s success at the California School for the Deaf. California law requires students to attend school every day and to arrive on time for classes. Making sure their child attends school is a parent/guardian’s legal responsibility. Educational neglect takes place when parents/guardians willfully allow or keep their children out of school for inappropriate reasons. (EC49067)

Students who arrive to school more than 5 minutes late for the first period must report to their department office.

Reporting Absences

Parents/Guardians are to call or email the school office before 8:30 a.m. on the morning of the absence.

ECE and Elementary

A photo of Janelle Green

Janelle Green

Early Childhood Education and Elementary Principal

Stephanie Martinez

Office Technician

Email ECE/Elementary Office

(951) 248-8001 VP

Middle School

A photo of Scarlett Valencia

Scarlett Valencia

Middle School Principal

Kari Richards

Office Technician

Email Middle School Office

(951) 824-8046 VP

High School

A photo of Tammy Mitchell

Tammy Mitchell

High School Principal

Remy Downer

Office Technician

Email High School Office

(951) 824-8013 VP

School Note

This is only in the event that it is not possible to call or email, or if the parent/guardian forgets to call or email. Upon returning to school, the student must immediately bring a note to the school office. The note should include the student’s complete name, date(s) of absence and reason for absence. The note should be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.

Example Absence Note:


Dear Office,

My child, [Name], was absent from school on [Day], [Date], because (Reason).


Parent/Guardian signature (required)

After an Absence

Students must come to their department office for a pass before returning to class. (EC48205, 46014)

The Elementary/Middle School/High School secretary or the Principal will examine the excuse note for the student’s reason for absence and give the student an excused or unexcused absence pass based on the California Education Code definition. If the reason for absence does not satisfy the Education code, the student automatically gets an unexcused absence pass. All of the student’s teachers will sign the student’s pass when (s)he returns to class.

Absences that are not cleared by a parent/guardian after five days will be recorded as unexcused. Districts/Parents will be notified when a student accrues THREE unexcused absences and subsequently each time thereafter. Remember, school attendance is critical to success.

According to the EC 48205, students may be excused for the following reasons:

  • Counseling
  • Court appearances
  • Dental appointments
  • Doctor appointments
  • Field trips (school-sponsored)
  • Funerals
  • Job meetings
  • Jury Duty
  • Quarantine
  • Religious holidays
  • Religious exercises or instruction (EC46014)
  • Sports game (school-sponsored)
  • Sickness

Note: Parents/Guardians may not keep students’ home to baby-sit, run errands or for any non-emergency family business. Such absences are unexcused. Doctor appointments should be made after school or on the weekend whenever possible. For DMV or Social Security Administration appointments, permission to miss school must be received from the Principal PRIOR to scheduling the appointment. School authorities may excuse any students in grades 7 to 12 for the purpose of obtaining medical services without the consent of the students’ parent/guardian. (EC 46010.1)

Attendance on Game Day - Middle School and High School

All student-athletes must attend at least four full class periods on a game day to be allowed to play. Poor attendance in school may result in poor grades, resulting in a loss of athletic eligibility.

Appointments during School Hours

All students are expected to remain at school for the entire day. If a student must leave school for an appointment, the parent/guardian must sign out the student in the department office. Students are only released to a parent or legal guardian. If the parent/guardian wishes to have another adult pick up a student, a written signed note is required and ID verification is mandatory. If a parent/guardian requests early dismissal, the parent/guardian must contact the department office directly. Students over 18 must receive permission from the Principal or designee and sign out in the office.

Pre-Arranged unexcused Absences

If a student needs to be absent for any reason other than those in the California Education Code (for example, a wedding or graduation of a relative), (s)he must get a Prearranged Unexcused Absence Form from the Middle School or High School office at least two weeks in advance. Parent requests for a Prearranged Unexcused Absence can only be for a maximum of 2 weeks. Otherwise, it will require an IEP meeting and change of placement. The student must get their parent/guardian’s signature before (s)he gets their Principal’s signature for approval. The student must contact all of their teachers to sign the form, then give the completed form to their department secretary. Students are expected to make up all missed work by the deadlines set by teachers.

Chronic Absences (EC48260)

Chronic absence is absence from school for 10% or more of the number of school days a student has attended per semester. If students do not show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers. Chronic absences include excessive tardiness. School staff will begin monitoring any time a student misses three days of school or three class sessions during one term. The school may request a physician’s verification of illness for excessive absences.

The school informs the Local Educational Agency when a student has chronic absences. Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) meetings may be scheduled if attendance concerns are not resolved and continue to impact student performance.


Students who arrive after 8:30am are late for school and must get a pass from the office. Students are expected to bring a note from a parent/guardian, dorm counselor, or school staff member explaining the reason for being tardy. Students who are late for class any time after the 1st period must get a pass from a teacher or other staff member. Students who do not have a pass will be given an unexcused tardy. If a student is tardy to class for more than half the amount of the class period time (30 min), it is considered an unexcused absence.

Middle School students (6TH-8TH) will be given possible support interventions upon first occurence. (ie: communication with family, data log, etc). If student accumulates 3 tardies during the semester, lead teacher or principal will request for a meeting with family with possible support intervention options. If student accumulates 6 tardies during the semester, they will be assigned detention (after school) or consequences with the assigned staff member.

Teacher will meet with students to review the tardy policy once they are tardy to their class two times and communicate with parents via Email and/or videophone. School students who are tardy to their class four times will be expected to serve after school detention with assigned staff. A log will be started and monitored by the High School Team. Possible Support Interventions will be provided if repeated tardies will result in further consequences as determined by the High School Team.


CSD views cutting class as a serious offense. The school is responsible for the safety and welfare of the students. When a student cannot be found, this is a serious safety concern.

Disciplinary consequences will be assigned on a case by-case basis after the second cut. After a student cuts class for less than 30 minutes, (s)he will attend after school detention. If a student cuts more than 30 minutes and it is his/her first time, (s)he may be suspended from a major school sponsored event or a game if on an athletic team, whichever comes first. For the second or subsequent cut, the student may be suspended from either two major school-sponsored events, or a major event and a game if on an athletic team.

In addition, the student may be removed from participating in one or more activities sponsored by school organizations and/or be removed from the school play, Academic Bowl Team and/or other special school groups.

For HS students, they may be referred to the HS Inter-Disciplinary Team after cutting more than twice. (EC 48260)

Absences and Loss of Credit (High School)

High School students who are excessively absent may lose credit. Credits are important for High School. These are what go on transcripts and are required for High School graduation.

The maximum absences for each semester (Fall and Spring) before loss of credit are as follows:

  • Unexcused absences = 8
  • Total absences (unexcused or excused) = 20

Each class period is calculated separately. Regardless of when the 9th Unexcused or the 21st Absence total occurs, they will lose credit for that class period (5 credits). If their absence impacts the entire day, all periods will lose credit for that semester (35 credits). Staff will reach out to both the student and the parent/guardian prior to a student reaching these limits.

Students who have excessive excused absences may lose credit for some or all classes if it is not possible for the school to provide the missed instruction or for the student to complete all missed assignments. These situations are looked at on a case by case basis with the Principal. Doctors notes for lengthy absences is critical. In some cases (ie. extended absence beyond 2 weeks), an IEP may be held to change placement to Home/Hospital through the District until student is cleared to return and hold another IEP meeting to change the placement back to CSDR.

Once a student has 8 unexcused absences during a semester, optional absences are no longer allowed. Once a student has 20 total absences (i.e. excused, unexcused, and optional) during a semester, optional absences are no longer allowed. High school students who exceed 8 unexcused absences in any class during a semester do not earn credit for that class. Students who have excessive excused absences may lose credit for some or all classes if it is not possible for the school to provide the missed instruction or for the student to complete all missed assignments.

Closed Campus Policy (EC44808.5, 48980)

CSD operates as a closed campus to promote student and school safety. This means that students are required to stay on campus at all times during the school day. All students may bring their own lunch to school and eat in the dining room. Lunch is now only 30min. Food delivery services (ie. Uber Eats, DoorDash, etc) are not permitted during the school day. High School ASBG is working Administration to set up special lunch privileges, however, these will not be for off-campus privileges.

Students 18+ are able to sign themselves in/out through the High School Office for appointments or late arrivals. However, they are not allowed to sign out at the beginning of lunch and leave campus, then sign back in at the end of lunch.

Academic Probation Policies

Temporary Academic Probation (TAP)

There are established three-week time periods with deadlines for teachers to update gradebooks. When each three-week deadline arrives, the high school principal reviews all students’ GPAs. Each student who has a GPA of below 2.0 will be placed on TAP for a three-week period. This means that the student will not participate in any sports games, home or away. S/he may continue to practice and sit with the team during home games only. If the student is serving as a student organization officer, his/her position privileges, such as voting, will be suspended.

There are two separate TAP periods. The first TAP period is during the first three-week period. The second TAP period is during the second three-week period. Students have up to six weeks to pull up their grades if they are on TAP. At any point during the time a student is on TAP, if his/her GPA reaches 2.0 or above, h/she is responsible to inform the principal so that the principal can review the GPA and remove the student from TAP. One exception would be for the first two weeks of a new Quarter, automatic removal from TAP will be delayed until the end of the second week of the new Quarter in order for entry of assignments/gradebook to be updated.

Students on TAP 14 school days prior to an out-of-town extra-curricular tournament/event (by bus/van) will be excluded from the tournament/event regardless if GPA improves 2.0 or above within those 14 days. If a trip requires the purchase of an airline ticket, the exclusion will be extended to 20 school days prior to the date of the tournament/event.

Academic Probation (AP)

If the student continues to have a GPA below 2.0 after the second TAP period expires at the end of six weeks, s/he will be moved to AP. AP students are immediately removed from sports teams and student organization officer positions. After a three-week period, GPAs are reviewed again to determine whether the student is removed from AP or if further intervention regarding academic grades need to be considered.

While on AP, students cannot:

  • Play competitive sports games, including scrimmages.
  • Participate in practices or home games.
  • Wear game uniforms or attend away games.
  • If a student athlete’s GPA is below 2.0 twice during the same sports season, he/she will be put on AP and be permanently off the team, including the loss of any awards, recognitions, and team dinners.

Digital Network and Internet Access

Technology use is encouraged and expected as part of students’ educational experience, with an agreement on the appropriate uses.

Privileges and Responsibilities

Students will have access to:

  • Information, online databases and news from a variety of sources and research institutions.
  • CSD provided software and public domains/shareware software of all types.
  • Variety of web-based and software programs to publish content to the web.
  • Collaborative web-based programs for the purpose of project-based learning.
  • Curriculum, academic software and electronic learning resources.

Students may have access to:

  • Electronic mail (email) to access to learning resources
  • Discussion groups on a wide-variety of topics

CSD will not guarantee the availability of access to network resources and will not be responsible for any information that may be lost, damaged, or unavailable due to technical or other differences. The accuracy and quality of information obtained cannot be guaranteed, nor can information sent or received be assured to be private. With worldwide access to computers comes the availability of material that may be of educational value in the context of the school setting. CSD cannot control or censor illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or potentially offensive materials, which may be available to the user on systems accessible through CSD.


Collaboration and communication between parents/guardians, staff and students are a priority at CSD. In effort to build on this belief, and to ensure academic success for all students, we offer PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal.

The PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal provide parents and students secured internet access to a wide range of relevant data such as:

  • Student schedules
  • Class assignments/scores
  • Report card/progress report grades/teacher comments
  • Email links to teachers
  • The option to subscribe to email notifications of your students’ class assignments, scores, grades, etc.

User Responsibilities

Users are responsible for using the provided school account in an ethical, responsible and legal manner for school- related tasks only in which teachers and staffs will choose resources on the internet that are appropriate for classroom instruction and/or research for the needs, maturity, and ability of their students. CSD takes no responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information from internet sources. Use of information obtained through the internet is at the user’s risk.

Students will be required to sign the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement. Parents will give consent to the terms of the CSD Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Agreement. CSD requires that students abide by CSD rules. These include, but at not limited to, the following:

  • Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Use or import offensive, obscene, libelous, disruptive, or inflammatory language, pictures or other material on any computer or network within CSD is prohibited.
  • Anything pertaining to illegal activities is strictly forbidden such as: knowingly spread viruses, worms, or any other malicious files, install or use unauthorized software, access the network via another user’s account, unauthorized entry (hacking), advertise commercial products or services, mass unsolicited electronic mailings, and/or destruction of computer systems and files.
  • Maintain privacy. Do not reveal the personal address, phone numbers, personal web sites or images of yourself or other persons. Before publishing a student’s picture, first name, or work on the internet, the school must have on file a parent release authorizing publication.
  • Do not divulge passwords tom or otherwise allow access to network accounts.
  • Respect copyrights. All communications and information accessible via the network are assumed to be the property of the author and should not be reused without his/her permission.
  • Files and electronic communication messages, or posts of any kind created or stored on equipment or media covered by this policy are the property of CSD, and can be used as evidence in a court of law.
  • If a user receives any harassing, threatening, or appropriate material on the internet or computer network, the user should not respond and should immediately report the material to a teacher or the appropriate administrator.


Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.


Cyber-bullying is the use of any electronic communication device to convey a message in any form (text, image, audio, or video) that intimidates, harasses, or is otherwise intended to harm, insult, or humiliate another in a deliberate, repeated, or hostile and unwanted manner. Using personal communication devices or school property to cyber-bully one another student is strictly prohibited and may result in the cancellation of network privileges and/or disciplinary action. Cyber-bullying may include but is not limited to:

  • Making comments that infer hate or bias based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or physical characteristics
  • Heated unequal argument online that includes making rude, insulting or vulgar remarks
  • Spreading information or pictures to embarrass that affect instruction
  • Using someone else’s screen name and pretending to be that person
  • Forwarding information or pictures meant to be private
  • Isolating an individual from his or her peer group
  • Engaging in sexual harassment
  • Engaging in cyber threats (1)
  • Cyber stalking (2)

1) Cyber threats include attacks from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, phishing, denial of service attacks, unauthorized access (stealing intellectual property or confidential information), and control system attacks.

2) Cyber stalking is use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone. This behavior includes false accusations, monitoring the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes.

Personal Electronic and Mobile Phone Policy

Mobile Phones

Students are permitted to have in their possession mobile phones. Such devices shall remain deactivated and put away in the student’s backpack, purse, pocket, etc., and their use strictly prohibited during any instructional time. Any student found to be texting, reading text messages, making calls or receiving calls while in class, will be considered to be cheating and will be disciplined accordingly. Mobile phones are prohibited in the restrooms and PE locker rooms. Mobile phones are a safety issue during PE class.

Student Electronic Privacy and Safety Facts

Students must not make or disseminate (while on or off school property) recordings, photographs, or videos of other students or individuals without direct permission, including school employees. If the recording will substantially disrupt and interfere with the work and discipline of the school or the ability of a student to attend school or participate fully in its activities, disciplinary actions will be taken. Any making or dissemination of a recording must not disrupt the civil and respectful atmosphere toward teachers, other employees, and students alike. Recordings that are considered disruptive include, but are not limited to, recordings that are demeaning, derogatory, or sexually suggestive toward a student or employee. Parents are encouraged to monitor their student’s Internet interactions and text messaging with other students/adults.

Other Electronic Devices

Electronic devices (laptops, headphones, speakers, handheld games, cameras, etc.) are prohibited during class periods unless the teacher allows them for learning purposes only. CSDR provides students with a tablet/laptop and students are responsible for its care and security.

Students are not permitted to leave class in order to use a mobile phone or electronic device (ie. to respond to a message or make a call, etc). It will be considered a violation if the student’s mobile phone or electronic device disrupts the class. Students are expected to cooperate in handing over mobile phones and digital media devices when requested. Students insisting on doing so are in violation of “failing to comply” and appropriate action will take place. Students may receive severe consequences for repetitive violations of this policy and/or related insubordination.

The use of mobile phones and other electronic devices for inappropriate reasons while on campus or off campus during all school sponsored events (including cheating, sexting, harassment, or any use that is inappropriate and in violation of the Technology Use Policy or disruptive to a positive learning school environment) will be cause for disciplinary action. The taking or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, illegal, or otherwise inappropriate images or photographs will not be tolerated. Violations will be referred to law enforcement.

California School for the Deaf Riverside is not responsible for investigation/recovery of personal devices of students loaned, lost or stolen mobile phones and electronic devices.

Dress Code

Dress and grooming should be appropriate for the school setting. “A pupil who goes to school without proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness, or neatness of dress, may be sent home to be properly prepared for school, or shall be required to prepare himself (herself) for the school room before entering.” (California Administrative Code, Title 5 Division 2, Section 302)

Basic and Minimum Safe Attire

The following safe attire shall be enforced in the California School for the Deaf Riverside in order to meet the requirements of the California Administrative Code regarding grooming, dress, and appearance. Students attire and grooming must permit the student to participate in learning without posing a risk to the health or safety of any student or school personnel.

  • Students must wear clothing including both a shirt with pants or skirt, or the equivalent (for example dresses, leggings, or shorts) and shoes.
  • Shirts and dresses must have fabric in the front and on the sides (under the arms).
  • Clothing must cover undergarments (waistbands and straps excluded).
  • Fabric covering chest area, genitals and buttocks must be opaque (not allowing see through).
  • Hats and other headwear must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any or staff. Hood of the hoodies is not allowed in any school buildings and must allow the face and ears to be visible to school staff.
  • Clothing must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, CTE/ Industrial Education and other activities where unique hazards exist.
  • Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.

Prohibited Attire

Attire or grooming depicting or advocating violence, criminal activity, use of alcohol or drugs, pornography, or hate speech are strictly prohibited. All students are expected to comply with the requirements of this policy specifically:

  • Clothing may not depict, advertise or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
  • Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.
  • Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected classification.
  • Clothing, including gang identifiers, must not pose a threat to the health or safety of any student or staff.
  • Enforcement must accommodate clothing worn by students as an expression of sincerely held religious beliefs (Head scarves, for example) and worn by students with disabilities (protective helmets, for example).

Parent Responsibility:

the responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and his/her parents or guardians. Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring student compliance with the school dress code.

Student Responsibility:

all students at schools are responsible for complying with their school’s dress code during school hours and school activities.


when a school staff or school administrator discusses a dress or grooming violation with a student, it is recommended that another adult should be present and at least one of the adults should be the same sex as the student.

  • Teachers or staff discussing a dress or grooming violation with a student should present options for obtaining appropriate clothing (e.g. school clothing closet).
  • Discipline for dress and grooming violations should be consistent with the discipline policies for comparable violations.

Student Vehicle and Personal Mobility Devices

Student Vehicle Contract

Only students with a driver's license will have the privilege to have a car on campus. Exceptions may be made on an individual basis with permission. All motor vehicles are to be registered with the High School Principal office and parked at the designated parking spaces, and adhere to the following agreements.

Student Driver's Agreement

  • I understand the school is not responsible for any private property or valuables that are left in the car.
  • I will not do reckless or inappropriate driving on campus. I will drive on the roads, not the grass or dirt at any time on the school grounds.
  • I will not do speeding. The maximum speed limit posted on campus is 15 miles per hour.
  • I will not take other students in the car on or off campus without permission from a Supervisor or Principal. All persons riding in my car shall wear safety belts at all times.
  • My car parked on school grounds may be subject to inspection by authorized school personnel.
  • I will inform a Student Life counselor every time that I will use the car off campus after school. I must arrive back to school at the time designated by the staff as requested.
  • No one can borrow my car, nor can I borrow another student’s car, even though my parents or their parents have signed permission for it.
  • Student under 18 years of age can ride in my car at any time must receive parents' permission in writing, Email and/or Videophone.
  • I will notify a High School Supervising Counselor, the High School Supervisor of Student Life Program, a High school Principal, High School Advisor or the High School Office Secretary immediately upon any time the information on car insurance, driver license, type of car, and license plate number has been changed.
  • I will maintain excellent attendance. If attendance/tardies become a concern, my vehicle privileges may be revoked at any time.

Driver's Consequences

Breaking any one of the above rules will lead to immediate consequences. Any of the following consequences will occur, depending upon the number of times and/or the severity of the incident:

  • 1st offense: Loss of all car privileges for 1 week – car will be kept at home.
  • 2nd offense: Loss of all car privileges for 1 month – car will be kept at home.
  • 3rd offense: Loss of all car privileges for the remainder of the school year.

Personal Mobility Devices

Students may ride bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates and Razor scooters or any wheeled device to school as long as they do so in a responsible manner. To prevent theft, bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, roller skates and Razor scooters must be locked to the racks in the designated bike, skateboard and Razor scooter rack area. ALL STUDENTS MUST PROVIDE THEIR OWN LOCKS. Every precaution is made to ensure the safety of these items parked/locked up at CSD during the school day. However, CSD cannot be held financially liable should a bicycle, skateboard, rollerblades, roller skates or Razor scooter be stolen or damaged. Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Roller skates and Razor scooters are never to be ridden inside the property of CSD or in the parking lot. Bicycles must always be walked along the outer perimeter of the parking lot while on campus, and on the sidewalk, and across the crosswalks going to and from school.

The bicycle safety law requires that all persons under 18 years of age wear a helmet. Students who do not wear a helmet run the risk of having their bicycles impounded until a parent can pick up the bicycles or provide the student with a helmet.

Behavior Guidelines

Positive Attitudes Will Succeed

The PAWS model is an example of a success-oriented program of personalized social skills instruction. PAWS has demonstrated that schools can significantly reduce discipline problems, while directly and humanely teaching vital life skills in a positive school climate.

Positive Attitudes Will Succeed has been implemented in the Instructional and Student Life Programs. This program emphasizes relationship building, proactive classroom management practices, and social skills instruction to reduce behaviors that interfere with learning, and to empower students with self-management skills.

California School for the Deaf believes children should be educated in a healthy, nurturing, and supportive environment where lifetime habits are encouraged and reinforced. The PAWS program contributes greatly to facilitating a positive learning environment where all students can obtain skills to reach their full potential.

Public Display of Affection

Regardless of age, caring for others and showing affection are important parts of life. However, overt public displays of affection between two people that may cause discomfort or embarrassment to others are better expressed in private.

Public displays of affection are not appropriate in a school setting. This includes before or after school programs, including Student, as well as off-campus activities or Athletic events. While there is nothing wrong with a simple show of affection such as a short hug, displays of affection such as kissing, caressing, petting, and prolonged physical contact in a school setting are not acceptable behavior. Violators are subject to disciplinary actions.

Education Code 48908 - Duties of Pupils

All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the schools.

Discipline Matrix Guidelines

A student may be disciplined, suspended or expelled for any of the acts listed below if the act occurs while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period, or during, going to, coming from any school-sponsored activity at any school or on any school property. (EC48900(s)

Lowest level should be considered first, followed by progressively more intensive consequences.

Review the Discipline Matrix Guidelines (PDF)

Levels of Disciplinary Action Responses

Level One: Examples of Classroom, Support and Classroom Responses

Classrooms are where students are respectful and can maintain a positive, safe and motivational learning environment, including these responses that should be used accordingly:

  • Build the structure and strategies needed to reduce disruptive behavior
  • Teachers/staff are encouraged to use a variety of classroom management techniques (e.g. continuum of correction)
  • Teachers/staff may engage the student’s support system to ensure successful learning and consistency of responses
  • Alter/change the conditions that contribute to the student’s inappropriate behavior
  • When appropriate, these responses aim to correct behavior by stressing the need of severity and acknowledging potential implications for future harm, while still keeping the student in school.


  • Classroom techniques (e.g. continuum of correction: proactive teaching)
  • Parent/guardian Engagement (e.g. contact parent via telephone, email, or text)
  • Conflict resolution
  • Check in with student support staff if repeated*
  • Restitution

Level Two Examples of Classroom, Support and Classroom Responses

These responses are designed to teach appropriate behavior utilizing social skills, so students are respectful and can maintain a positive, safe and motivational learning environment

  • Teachers/staff are encouraged to use a variety of classroom management techniques (e.g. continuum of correction; corrective strategies teaching).
  • These responses engage to the student’s support system
  • Alter/change the conditions that contribute to the student’s inappropriate behavior.
  • These responses aim to correct behavior by stressing the need of severity and acknowledging potential implications for future harm, while keeping the student in school.
  • These responses should be used accordingly.
  • Consequences should be gradual, natural and/or logical, progressing from less severe to more severe.
  • Consequences also should maintain the dignity of the student.


  • Classroom techniques (e.g. continuum of correction: proactive teaching)
  • Parent/Guardian Engagement (e.g. contact parent via telephone, email, or text)
  • Conflict resolution
  • Referral to IDT
  • Parent/guardian and student conference
  • Loss of privileges/removal from extracurricular activities
  • Check in with student support staff
  • Restitution
  • Community Service
  • Temporary removal from class
  • Other Means of Correction

Level Three Examples of Classroom, Support and Classroom Responses

These responses engage the student’s support system to maintain a positive, safe and motivational learning environment, which may involve office referral.

  • Conditions are to be altered by the student’s inappropriate/disruptive behavior.
  • These responses aim to correct behavior by stressing the need of severity and acknowledging potential implications for future harm, while keeping the student in school.
  • When necessary, these responses may involve a short-term removal of a student from the classroom or the school environment.
  • These responses ensure that safety of the school community is present.
  • When a student serves off-campus suspension, being on school property while on suspension is prohibited.
  • These responses should be used accordingly.
  • Consequences should be gradual, natural and/or logical, progressing from less severe to more severe.
  • Consequences also should maintain the dignity of the student.


  • Parent/Guardian Engagement (e.g. contact parent via telephone, email, or text)
  • Restitution
  • Detention
  • Parent/guardian and student conference
  • Referral to IDT (make recommendations)
  • Parent/guardian/student/administrator conference
  • Loss of privileges/removal from extracurricular activities
  • Check in with student support staff
  • Community Service
  • Temporary removal from class
  • Other Means of Correction
  • Suspension to be determined by the team
  • Notification to Law Enforcement
  • Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavioral
  • Intervention Plan

Level Four: Examples of Classroom, Support and Classroom Responses

These responses remove a student from the school environment for an extended period of time due to the severity of the behavior and potential implications for future harm, which may involve office referral.

  • Student removed from the school environment may involve the placement of a student’s educational setting.
  • These responses ensure that safety of the school community is present.
  • When a student serves off-campus suspension, being on school property while on suspension is prohibited.


  • Referral to appropriate services
  • Notification to Law Enforcement
  • Possibility of Interim Alternative Educational Setting

Terms of Disciplinary Responses

Behavioral Contract
Spells out in detail the expectations of student and teacher (and sometimes parents) in carrying out an intervention plan, making it a useful planning document.
Behavioral Intervention Plan

Can be used as a “proactive action plan to address behavior(s) that are impeding learning of the student or others.” Functional Behavioral Assessment is mandated to implement BIP.

Check-in with Staff
Prompt a student to have an informal check-in with a student support teacher, school counselor who has a working relationship with the student.
Community Service
Per Education Code 48900.6: Disciplinary Action/Community Service, the principal may require a pupil to perform community service on school grounds during non-school hours and “on-campus suspension”.
Conflict Resolution
It is the process by which two or more parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute, or debate reach an agreement in resolving it.
A student is required to report to a designated classroom before school, after school, or lunch for a set period of time.
Functional Behavioral Assessment
FBA is to design function-based interventions that correct and promote educational and/or social/emotional success by gathering information about a student’s inappropriate/disruptive behavior.

Formal process used to determine a removal of a student from CSD due to education code violation in which is listed in Cal Ed 48900 for a term no longer that one school calendar. For most acts a decision to expel shall be based on a finding of one or both of the following (Cal.Ed.Code 48915(b)):

  • Other means of correction are not feasible.
  • Due to the nature of the act the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others.
Interdisciplinary Team (IDT)
A teaming process to ensure those students’ educational concerns/needs/responses are identified and addressed. Referrals will be determined based on frequency, duration, and intensity.
Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES)

IAES is a term for an educational setting and program other than the student’s current placement that enables the student to continue to receive educational services according to his or her Individualized Education Program. The setting is designed to allow the student to continue progress in the regular curriculum to meet the foals set out by the IEP and to allow students to receive services and modifications designed to help students address problem behavior.

District personnel may remove a student to an interim alternative educational setting (LAES”) for not more than 45 school days if a student:

  • Carries a weapon to or possesses a weapon at school on school premises or to or at school function under our jurisdiction;
  • Knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs, or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled substance, while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under our jurisdiction; or
  • Has inflicted serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school premises, or at a school function under our jurisdiction. (See Discipline for definition of serious bodily injury.)
Notification to Law Enforcement
Staff reserved to contact law enforcement for any possible education code violations per Cal Ed Code 48902.
Limitations on Suspensions
Used only when OTHER MEANS OF CORRECTION have failed to bring about proper conduct. A students can be suspended for a first offence of Section 48900 (a)-(e) only if the student’s presence causes a danger to persons Cal.Ed.Code 48900.5
Other Means of Correction

Provide support with proper conduct. Examples of Other Means of Correction include, but are not limited to:

  • Behavioral Contract
  • Verbal/written warning
  • Informal Documentation
  • Teacher Determined Consequences
  • Teacher Directed Detention
  • A conference between parent/guardian/student/teacher
  • Referrals to: school counselor, educational assessment, and/ or social worker
  • Student Assistance Programs: Drug Education, Sexual Behavior, Mandatory Education related to offenses
  • Monitoring
  • Parent shadowing
  • Restorative Circle
  • Cool down/Time Out
  • Educational Projects
  • Reflective Tasks
  • Skill-Building Course
  • Community Service
  • Confiscation of the property
  • Positive Behavior Support
Panel Review
Panel review the sexual harassment and bullying complaints.
Parent/Guardian Engagement
Inform parents/guardians of their children’s behavior and work. Engagement with them to see their assistance in correcting inappropriate or disruptive behavior.
Parent/Guardian and Student/Teacher Conference
Communicate to students, parents, guardians, teachers, school staff, and/or principal and involve all parties in discussion about the student’s behavior and/or potential solution that address social, academic, and personal issues related to the behavior.
Peer Mentoring
A Peer Mentor is another student who can serve as a resource, a helping hand, a sounding board, and a referral service. The role of Peer Mentors is to provide support, encouragement, and information to students. New students who need help in navigating classes, meeting new peers and/or teachers, and current students may be confronted with an academic or personal problem which will lead them to seek out advice first from a Peer Mentor and then with encouragement, that student will contact others such as school staff/teachers, school counselors to get the support they need. 
Removal from Extracurricular Activities/Loss of Privileges
Student’s privileges, including student organization privileges may be removed due to misconducts. This may include extracurricular school activities on or off campus before, during, or after school, including sports and organizations, or privileges in school events or activities, such as attending a non-educational field trip, school dance. Additionally, all officers must meet and maintain academic eligibility standards and a 2.0 cumulative GPA, as well as the attendance and behavior standards set by the school administration. The officers must abstain from the use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Intoxicating Drugs.
The fees changed to students for the damage caused.  

Temporary removal of a student for no more than 5 consecutive days:

  • On Campus Suspension (OCS) with Instructional Support
  • On Campus Suspension without instructional Support
  • Off Campus Suspension with Instructional Support
  • Off Campus Suspension without Instructional Support
Temporary Removal from Class
Removal from one class period.  

Uniform Complaint Procedures: Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that was passed in 1972 to ensure that male and female students and employees in educational settings are treated equally and fairly. It protects against discrimination based on sex (including sexual harassment). In addition, Title IX protects transgender students and students who do not conform to sex stereotypes. State law also prohibits discrimination based on gender (sex), gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Review the procedures and download the form to use for filing a complaint.

Title IX Coordinators

California Department of Education’s Title IX Coordinator:

Randi Thompson, EEO Officer
Office of Equal Opportunity Director
Equity, Civil Rights, Title IX, ADA/504, MOA Coordinator
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Suite 4206
Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone: 916-445-9174
Confidential Fax: 916-324-9818

California School for the Deaf, Riverside's Title IX Coordinator:

Laura Edwards
PE/Athletics Supervisor

3044 Horace St.
Riverside, CA 92506
951-384-2149 (VRS/VP/Español)
Title IX Complaint Report form (PDF)