Student Organizations
Get Involved!
CSDR expects all students to strive for excellence in and out of the classroom, and encourages students to participate at least one extra-curricular activity each year.
The student organizations program is comprised of all the organized extra-curricular activities available to students. The program expands on what students learn in the classroom, develops students' personal interests, and enhances formal instruction. The student organizations program provides extensive opportunities for personal growth and is designed to appeal to all students in the school. See the following criteria.
Benefits of Student Organization Program
A wealth of learning often occurs outside of the classroom. At California School for the Deaf, students are free to participate and thrive in extracurricular activities without communication barriers through the many student organizations that are offered every year based on student interest. Involvement in student organizations provide many benefits.
- Promotes the development of many of the Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, particularly Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Community, Work Ethics, and Literacy.
- Addresses the current needs and interests of the entire student population whether intellectual, recreational, or social.
- Reaches the entire body school.
- Promotes school spirit and pride and a sense of community among faculty members and students.
- Provides students an opportunity to be recognized by parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, community members and peers for efforts in school activities.
- Provides students with both individual and group growth experiences.
- Extends to students a share of responsibility for making the school a success.
- Provides students an opportunity to develop and practice the skills they need to function in a democratic society.
- Provides students an opportunity to make decisions.
- Provides open channels of communication among the various members of the school community, including students, teachers, advisors, and administrators.

Deaf Teen America Pageant
The Deaf Teen America pageant was performed in American Sign Language. It is open to deaf and hard-of-hearing students in grades eight through 11 from around the United States. Sponsored by Deaf Teen America, it promotes young emerging leaders to engender a stronger deaf community. Contestants score points as a team for private and on-stage interviews, state spirit, talent, platform presentation, and formal wear.

Robotics Club
The CSDR Robotics program competes within eachother at the school and future Robotics Competition. Through our program, we strive to encourage our students to take interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related topics, in an exciting, yet challenging atmosphere. The robotics program runs all year long with a few weeks of breaks during certain times of the year.
Cub Engine Club
The mission of the Cub Engine Club is to inform and educate the CSDSRcommunity about safe driving techniques, educate members about the automotive industry, and create community and school pride within club. Cub Engine Club hosts car show annually. Basically, a place to hang out with people that love the automotive world just as much as you do!
Cub Engine Club is to promote and sustained interest in and support Cub Engine Club goals. Cub Engine Club features Community Involvement (car shows) Special Projects, Visual Arts Gallery (If capable). Cub Engine Club help preserve the unity and fellowship of the club. Cub Engine Club will help coordinate and assists the projects; Community involvements possible with CSDR automotive tour, visitation at local NHRA/NASCAR. Cub Engine Club will set goals on fund raisings for future school events, and other necessities.

Latinx Club
Youth Program provides opportunities for our Latinx Youth high school students to learn how to serve as catalysts for change in their personal lives and the communities in which they live. The program is to educate and train Latinx Youth to develop and practice their leadership skills and styles in relevant and productive learning environments. Providing training for youth to serve in leadership capacities is essential to enable them to develop confidence in fulfilling the leadership challenges they face now and will experience in the future. Council de Manos, national organization supports the high school program.

Ebony Club
The Ebony Club will serve to foster an environment in which students of all races can explore African-American culture, lifestyle, and history. Our conversations are not restricted to just the black population, as these conversations pertain to everyone and American society as a whole. The goal of the Alliance is not just to address race relation issues, but to also give African-Americans a presence in CSDR’s School community.

Asian Club
CSDR Asian Club is to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of Asian culture at CSDR and to create an increased awareness for Asians and Asian-Americans who are making a significant impact in the world. Through conversations and enrichment activities, we hope club members will see Deaf and hearing Asian culture both globally and in America in a different, more appreciative light. We hope club members will discover new interests in both traditional and modern Asian culture.
ASL Today
The ASL TODAY Public Announcement Club is a student-centered media club, which covers entire CSDR news, sports and events. The club live streams special events, athletic games online, creates videos for the school video, also, is responsible for the student announcements. In addition, the Club assists the ideas to promote CSDR’s publicity. Students of all talent levels are welcome.

Junior National Association of the Deaf
The Junior NAD, a program of the NAD, offers deaf and hard of hearing students in 7th through 12th grade opportunities to develop leadership skills, learn and demonstrate citizenship, and meet and interact with students from other schools and states. Students can participate in the Junior NAD by joining chapters established by their schools. Junior NAD chapters focus on advocacy, attitude, awareness, commitment, cooperation, friendship, information exchange, involvement and leadership skills. Chapters have meetings and participate in many activities such as community events and fundraisers. Skills and values obtained by chapter members during these meetings and events will help them to become future leaders and advocates in the deaf and hard of hearing community.

National Honor Society
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students in the United States and outlying territories, which consists of many chapters in high schools. Selection is based on four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character. The National Honor Society requires some sort of service to the community, school, or other organizations. The time spent working on these projects contributes towards the monthly service hour requirement.

Genders & Sexualities Alliance
Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA) fosters a safe environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) students and their allies. This organization will be a place where students are free to openly and honestly express themselves, free from prejudice and violence.
Peer Mediator Program
Peer mediation is problem solving by youth with youth. It is a process by which two or more students involved in a dispute meet in a private, safe and confidential setting to work out problems with the assistance of a trained student mediator.
A form of conflict resolution in which trained student leaders help their peers work together to resolve everyday disputes. Participation in peer mediation is voluntary, and with the exception of information that is illegal or life-threatening, all matters discussed in mediation sessions remain confidential. Student mediators do not make judgments or offer advice, and they have no power to force decisions upon their peers. Because mediation is sensitive to the underlying causes of conflict, the vast majority of peer mediation sessions.
Yearbook is designed to provide students with practical experience in planning and producing a book that chronicles the school’s events during the year. The course uses an electronic approach in which students from a variety of disciplines (English, art, photography, and graphic arts) cooperate in the production of a yearbook. The course requires the skills of creative writing, copy writing, interviewing, caption-writing, lay-out and design, advertising, sales, finances, bookkeeping, and recordkeeping. The class requires responsibility and the ability to conceptualize a project and take it to completion. Art, typing, computer skills, creative writing, and photographic abilities are recommended but not required.
Paw Press Newspaper
Students involved in print journalism can use a newspaper to gain real-world experience. They can write about school events or even local events. They can conduct interviews with teachers, administrators, and fellow students (as well as people in the community). They can learn how to do proper research into facts, verifying facts, and looking for resolutions to contradictory facts. Without a doubt, a newspaper club can aid your journalism program as students develop the necessary skills and knowledge in journalism.
Leadership Retreat
The elected and potential students for the student organizations are required to attend the Leadership Retreat. The program provides the variety of workshops and team-building to develop the leadership and management skills to lead the organization at the CSDR High School department. The retreat begins on Friday after school through Sunday afternoon. This included housing, meals, discovery and meeting halls.
Student Council of High School
CSD – Riverside’s Student Council of High School provides a forum for involvement, fundraise, and cooperation between the school, Athletics, Student Life and Community. The Council recommends, assesses, proposes and plan positive and systematic changes at CSDR. At the next level, the Student Council of High School is composed of Associated Student Body Government representatives and the High School management Team along with Elementary and Middle School representatives with an invitation of Community Advisory Committee and Family, School, Community Association representative.

Academic Bowl
The High School Academic Bowl for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students (hereafter Academic Bowl) is an annual competition sponsored by Gallaudet University. It consists of five Regional Academic Bowls and a National Academic Bowl. The purpose of the Academic Bowl is to foster the pursuit of academic excellence; promote a spirit of academic competition and good sportsmanship; and to encourage social opportunities for collegiality among students. CSD AB team will have their retreat; Fall and Spring to do their unity and rehearsal preparing for the competition.

Associated Student Body Government (ASBG)
High School students of California School for the Deaf, Riverside, in order to form an organization which can provide means to enable students to be of service to the school, community, and to fellow students: provide experience in self-government, help build school spirit, school safety, better education and foster better communication between the students and the faculty with school administrators.
Alma Mater Song
To CSDR, our alma mater
With all honor due
We, your loyal sons
And daughters
Forever will be true.
Once we leave for paths ahead
We may not soon return
But to the colors grey and red
Our hearts will always turn
Across the land, across the water,
Cubs we’ll always be!
So hail to thee, our alma mater
Hail, all hail to thee!
CSDR Troupe
CSDR High School fight songs elicit not only spirit among the crowd, but tug at the heartstrings of alumni when played at a sporting event. Members of the high school Troupe belt out a lively tune in ASL while members of the student body follows along. Troupe usually accompany the high school fight song during ball games, Graduation, pep rallies, and other events.
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Classes
The High School program is divided into four classes: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. Each class has elected officers. The purpose of these classes is to promote student leadership through monthly meetings and fundraising activities. All student officers engage in community service and partnerships, including Red Cross, helping the homeless, and working with the Riverside Mayor’s Model Deaf Community Committee.
Senior Class
Senior class is to promote and sustained interest in and support Senior Class goals. The goals would be preserve the unity and fellowship of the class. Senior will function as commissioners for senior events; Senior Field Trip, Senior Grad Nite, Graduation. The Seniors are to set goals on fund raisings for outings, Class Gift, Yearbook Dedication, and Guest Speaker for Graduation ceremony, appreciation gifts, and other necessities.
Junior Class
Junior class is to promote and sustained interest in and support Junior Class goals. The goals would be preserve the unity and fellowship of the class. Junior will function as commissioners for Junior events; Junior Field Day to several prom sites, and the day of PROM. The Juniors are to set goals on fund raisings for outings, PROM theme, Prom King and Queen, Party/Limo buses, and many more necessities.
Sophmore Class
Sophomore class is to promote and sustained interest in and support Sophomore Class goals. The goals would be preserve the unity and fellowship of the class. Sophomore will function as commissioners for sophomore events; Mid-Winter Ball dance or any theme
Freshman Class
Freshman class is to promote and sustained interest in and support Freshman Class goals. The goals would be preserve the unity and fellowship of the class. Freshman will function as commissioners for any events; and Sadie Hawkins Dance. CSD-R campus has a story- the campus was used to be a corral and horse stables, as well for horse races. All street names surrounding was related to Sadie Hawkins. It has been a long traditional dance for freshman.
Student Advisory Board
Officers from each formal organization meet with the Superintendent once a month. The purpose of the meetings is to empower officers and to provide them an opportunity to share their perspectives, concerns and input to the Superintendent. The Superintendent and officers work together to aim for the best interests of CSDR.

SkillsUSA is a vital solution to the growing U.S. skills gap and provides training so students graduate career ready. This nonprofit partnership of students, instructors and industry ensures America has the skilled workforce it needs to stay competitive. SkillsUSA programs are integrated into career and technical education through our framework of developing personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics.
SkillsUSA is a professional organization that is designed to be run by students, for their own growth and benefit. SkillsUSA members develop into well-rounded people with technical, academic and employability skills that will help them get a job and have a successful career. Through chapter meetings, contests, leadership conferences and activities, students will be building these skills. Each chapter chooses, plans and conducts its own activities.
Enrichment and Empowerment
The purpose of this program is to support and encourage these potential leadership youth students to gain the leadership and personal growth through the intensity training such as the personal group activities, team building activities and self-exploratory. This may lead them to become a better self-confident in being a leader or follower at CSDR High School.
Criteria for Student Organizations
Criteria for Student Organization Candidacy and Standards for Maintaining Office:
- Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA or above during the candidacy and while in office.
- Student demonstrates responsibility during the current school term such as arriving to class on time, completing assignments regularly and being punctual for cottage or organizational meetings.
- Student demonstrates effectiveness in relating to others by the ability to compromise in adversarial situations, debating his/her opinion in a reasonable manner and is able to maintain a positive relationship with the organization membership.
- Student is required to make a written request or complete a Student Officer Application to the High School Management Team (HSMT) outlining his/her experience, qualifications and reasons for pursuing the office.
- Student is required to submit a written letter of reference from one teacher OR one student life staff member who is currently working with the student to the High School Management Team.
- Student who holds a major office in one organization (i.e. President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer) cannot hold the same office in any organization concurrently.
- Student cannot have any suspension reports in the current or previous semester of attendance at CSD.
- Student must resign from office immediately upon suspension of any kind during the school year.