Career and Technical Education (CTE) is academically rigorous, hands-on instruction with a focus on industry-relevant knowledge that prepares students to meet California College and Career Readiness and achieve employment or continued education after high school.
Our teachers have extensive trade experience and certificates or degrees in their trade. They teach through American Sign Language and English. They incorporate industry standards and California Career and Technical Education (CTE) performance standards to prepare students for employment or post-secondary education and/or training.
Several of our CTE courses are A-G approved courses where a sequence of high school courses that students must complete (with a grade of C or better) to be minimally eligible for admission to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU).
We seek and maintain high quality standards of instruction to prepare students for success in their post-secondary transition outcomes.
Presently the CTE program offers the following:

Students receive College and Career Readiness services in preparation for their post-secondary transition toward employment, higher education, trade school, or other training. College and Career Center provide students services in career preparation, college research, local job research, internships, resume and portfolio assistance, work permits, etc. The College and Career Center services also provides students career assessment, career counseling, Career Preparation Class, job coaching, job placement services, access to Career Fairs, College Presentations, and Financial Aid workshops. After graduation, CSDR students continue receiving services until they achieve their employment goals. Contact us for more information.

Broadcast Journalism, Career Preparation, FEAST, and Graphic Design
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) facilitate students to develop and refine skills for career success by participating in their chosen Career Pathway. FCCLA offers students the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life—planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making, and interpersonal communication—all necessary for career success.

Automotive Technology, Biomedical Technology, Construction Technology, and Information Technology
Students develop and refine skills for career success by participate in their chosen Career Pathway. SkillsUSA activities develop positive attitudes, build self-esteem and empower students to excel. They give students a head starts in developing valuable professional skills such as communications, interpersonal abilities, time management, teamwork and more.

AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY In Automotive Technology, students will develop skills needed to service, repair, and diagnose today’s vehicles. Students complete the laboratory activities using advanced equipment to diagnose and service modern automotive systems with guidance of the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) program. Qualified students who successfully complete the pathway will have the opportunity to take the ASE Entry-Level certification test and be introduced to the Electric Vehicle (EV) system with our new EV Lab.

Biomedical technology combines engineering and technology to solve biological or medical problems involving humans, especially the design and use of medical equipment used to diagnose and treat various diseases. Students address topics ranging from public health and biomedical engineering to clinical medicine and physiology in preparation for continued education in the biomedical and health fields. This program is aligned with the recognized Biomedical Science curriculum.

Students exploring the fundamentals and advanced techniques of the broadcast studio and film industries. Students learn the industry’s standard techniques of camera operation, audio production, and lighting in studio and film production, as well as computer-based editing on the leading software: Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro. Students produce a wide variety of programming genres including 10-minute news broadcasts on campus, Public Service Announcements, commercials, documentaries, and short films.

Construction Technology prepare students for employment or continued education in the occupations of Carpentry and Construction. In addition, students will have the opportunity to create a project of their own design while defining the systems structure of a basic construction manufacturing using CNC and CAD technologies in conjunction with design, prototyping, and production activities. The program provides instruction and practical applications in woodworking, fine carpentry skills, residential construction systems, and advanced trade skills used by industry professionals in preparation for entry level jobs or continued education.

The program engages students in a hands-on, state-of-the-art learning environment designed to prepare students to become leaders in the hospitality and culinary industries. Students will acquire knowledge and skill in the preparation of food including basic principles and techniques of food preparation, management of resources, use of recipes, use and care of equipment and evaluation of food products. The courses emphasize safety and sanitation practices. Students will operate kitchen equipment and tools as well as to master the art of preparing worldwide cuisine. Students in the program obtain food handling permits in preparation for employment or continued education upon graduation from high school.

Students learn the principles of desktop publishing, graphic design, and professional printing by explore the design process and find creative visual solutions while having the opportunity to design actual client-based projects for campus programs such as athletics, student events/activities, and other needs. Students will gain an understanding of the processes and systems common to careers in Graphic Design, Print, Advertising, and Marketing while using professional-grade Adobe design software to create digital drawings, logos, advertisements, magazine layouts, and more.

Students develop skills in develop a working knowledge of computer concepts and essential skills necessary for work and communication in the Information Technology industry. Students will learn safety, security, and ethical issues in computing and social networking including input/output systems, computer hardware and operating systems. Students utilize computing, discover tools that foster creativity and collaboration, and use what they’ve learned to tackle challenges like app development and simulation. This program is aligned with the recognized PLTW Computer Science curriculum.

Students attend ATP after graduation from high school to obtain additional support to meet their Post-secondary Transition Plan (PTP) goals toward employment, independent living and other transitional needs. Eligibility for students who are enrolled in ATP is determined by the IEP team with consent from the school district and a current transition plan with career goals written in their PTP.